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Financial Literacy Program

 Learn about financial well-being, budgeting, credit management, and more to support your CSUF experience and beyond.

Attend our financial literacy series to financial well-being and literacy topics to support students both during their CSUF experience

Financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources effectively. Basic Needs Services offers programs and peer mentoring to support Titans as they gain knowledge and skills to strengthen their financial literacy. 

Financial Wellness Peer Mentoring

Basic Needs Services offers peer mentoring to support Titans' financial literacy knowledge and skills. Students can meet one-on-one with a Financial Wellness Peer Mentor to discuss a range of financial literacy topics including understanding financial wellness, credit basics, debt management, and budgeting. 

Students can meet with a Financial Wellness Peer Mentor by appointment or during drop-in hours Thursdays from 1pm - 3pm and Fridays from 10:30am - 12:30pm in Gordan Hall 179 or virtually through Zoom (meeting ID: 828 9183 5361). Students can schedule a Financial Wellness Peer Mentoring session here

Financial Literacy Programs

Explore our upcoming and previously recorded Financial Literacy programs. The programs cover various financial well-being and literacy topics to support students during their CSUF experience and provide skills and knowledge for long-term use post-graduation. You will find topics that include financial wellness, budgeting, credit management, and more!

Students are invited to explore our upcoming financial literacy programs for the academic year through the Basic Needs Services TitanLink.

Financial Literacy programs include:

  • Let's Get Financially Fit
  • Stretching Your Grocery Budget
  • Apartment Hunting 101
  • Budgeting Your Semester 
  • Managing Debt
  • Understanding Credit

Financial literacy programs can be provided upon request and Basic Needs Services offers financial literacy tracks that can be customized for different student groups. To request a program or if you would like to learn more about the tracks offered, please submit a Basic Needs Services Presentation and Training Request form. For questions, please contact