April 1, 2020 Bi-Weekly Update
Sent to all campus employees on 4/1/20 at 4:42 p.m.
General Updates
The campus is still open with limited staffing. Thank you to all of our essential employees who continue to provide services to our students and employees and continue to keep our campus clean and safe.
Administrative Leave
The Chancellor has granted use of paid administrative leave effective March 23, 2020 through December 31, 2020 for employees unable to work for COVID-19 related reasons. More details and guidance will be coming soon.
Student Assistants (non-represented)
If students would like to continue to work and work is available based on operational need, they can do so for their regularly scheduled shifts –with telecommuting being acceptable, they will be paid. If a student would like to continue working and work is not available, the University will continue to pay student assistant (non-represented) and federal work-study students’ wages for their regularly scheduled work hours through April 5, 2020. Students in this situation would qualify for paid administrative leave based on scheduled hours after April 5, 2020. If student chooses not to work, they will not be paid.
Key Leadership Searches
The Vice President for Student Affairs and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs are moving forward. Please visit the Key Leadership Search site for more information and open forum schedules.
University Awards Program
University Awards is going virtual! Join us on April 29th at 10:00 am. A link to the virtual broadcast will be available soon. Visit the University Awards webpage for more information.
Recognizing our Titans - #ItTakesATitan Social Media Challenge
In honor of Titan Recognition Week, we want to take a moment to celebrate the Titan community remotely and recognize how we’ve empowered each other at CSUF. Enter the #ItTakesATitan social media challenge by recognizing an employee who has made a difference and share your story for a chance to win weekly prizes April 6th – 17th.
Engagement and Learning
The Engagement and Learning April Newsletter features tips for working remotely, virtual activities for teams and the calendar for workshops and trainings that are now being held virtually. See below for the April newsletter.
A few of the workshops being offered are:
Inclusive Leadership in a Virtual Reality on , April 6th at
10:30am-11:30am -
Facilitator: Bobbie Porter, AVP for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The COVID-19 Pandemic has drastically changed our daily functions as campus leaders. This change has impacted the way we perform our duties, and it also necessitates a different approach to how we lead others in a time of operational upheaval. In this session, participants will discuss inclusive leadership approaches to adjusting to our new virtual environment. They will also engage in shared learning regarding our leadership diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy amid the current public health crisis. Participants will be guided through exercises that will help them begin to think through the new normal that will emerge in the immediate and long-term.
Mindfulness Mondays on March 30th, April 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th at 12pm-12:30pm -
Facilitator: Dr. Bang Lang Do
In a world of multi-tasking, prioritizing tasks without being pulled over by the myriads of distractions at work takes reflective time. Taking a break, clearing our mind and increasing awareness of our automatic emotional response will help direct and improve our attention, open the door to more novel ideas or solutions, and help us make well-informed rational decisions. Mindfulness Monday is 30 minutes of self-care through breathing exercises, light stretching and relaxing practices.
DIEP April 2020 Newsletter (PDF)
Total Wellness
Schools First
If you’re a member who may be affected by recent events, SchoolsFirst FCU offers advice and financial solutions. See document below.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army offers needs-based assistance to families and individuals experiencing a crisis situation or financial need. See documents below that explain the process of applying for assistance.
- 2020 Updated TSA Family Services Offices (PDF)
2019-TSA Family Services Assistance Guidelines (English) (PDF)
2019-TSA Family Services Assistance Guidelines (Spanish) (PDF)
Homeless Prevention
Virtual Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Please join us on Monday, April 6, 2020 from 11-11:30am, for a Virtual Employee Assistance Program (EAP) orientation with LifeMatters by Empathia. This program will provide an overview of the services offered as well as an explanation on how LifeMatters® benefits can be accessed by employees, and their family members, via internet, a 24 hour telephone helpline and/or face-to-face meetings with consultants. Click here to register for the virtual orientation.
St. Jude Resources
The St. Jude Wellness Center is offering online opportunities to meet your mind, body and spiritual needs including videos on fitness, nutrition, healthy cooking, restorative and mental health videos you can follow from home.
Visit the St. Jude website
- Enter your email in the pop-up box for email updates and click the “Videos” tab for a variety of fitness, nutrition, restorative and mental health videos you can follow from home
- Also, follow them on Facebook at St. Jude Wellness Center or Instagram @stjudewellnesscenter for daily tips, videos and inspiration! They also have a free 30-minute mini classes on healthy cooking, mindfulness and a variety of fitness sessions are released weekly. Must receive the weekly newsletter for the links to joinThey also have virtual consults, both private and group, available to schedule. Just email stjudewellness@stjoe.org
Total Wellness Zoom Sessions –
Please join the Total Wellness Team on the Total Wellness Z-Cam. We have exciting events planned for you. All Zoom broadcasts have a limit of 250 viewers, so log on early.
Mini Me- Are your children itching to release some of that energy after being cooped up all day? Well put on their favorite song and have them show of their talents! Our “Mini Me” is a segment where employees can feature their Mini Me's singing, dancing, doing gymnastics and anything they would like to share in a three-minute segment. The broadcast will air Monday, April 20, 2020 from 1:30-2:00pm - join here.
- Sign up to particiapte: Email your child's first name and their talent to Ambirly Vuthy, zz-avuthy@fullerton.edu by Tuesday, April 7, 2020.
Fur Friends- This segment called "Tuffy's Fur Friends" will feature your pets! If you have a pet and want to share the love between you and your pet. The broadcast will air Monday, May 11, 2020 from 12:00-12:30pm - join here.
- Sign up to particiapte: Email your pet's name to Ambirly Vuthy, zz-avuthy@fullerton.edu by Tuesday, April 7, 2020.
WW (Weight Watchers) members
WW meetings have gone virtual on Tuesdays at 12:30pm. If you are a member and have not received a Zoom invite, or would like to learn how to find a WW Virtual Workshop, please notify Alexandra Keyes at alkeyes@fullerton.edu
10K-A-Day Walking Challenge
We are half way through. Don't stop now, keep walking to reach your health and fitness goals! We are still watching the numbers.
HR Related Questions?
HRDI is here for you. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at (657) 278-2425 or hr@fullerton.edu .
COVID-19 Resources
This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation . Accurate and up-to-date information about COVID-19 is available from the following agencies:
Orange County Health Care Agency
California Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Again, the University will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and issue additional notices if and when necessary. Information is available and will be regularly updated on the University’s website at
COVID-19 Related Questions?
Please contact coronavirus@fullerton.edu if you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19.
2019-TSA Family Services Assistance Guidelines (English) (PDF)
2019-TSA Family Services Assistance Guidelines (Spanish) (PDF)
2020 Red Shield Emergency Food Distribution
2020 Updated TSA Family Services Offices (PDF)