Unique HSS Programs and Experiences
Spend a semester or summer in the nation’s capital interning, taking classes, and networking with the many Cal State DC alumni who used the program to launch a career in DC. Navigate to their informational video
to learn more.
Center for Public and Oral History
Learn how to collect oral histories and create public and digital projects from the leading experts in the field.
Enroll in one of many areas of study that can enrich your major and provide marketable skills for the future.
Moot Court
Join an elite team of students in an exciting legal debate, simulating Supreme Court proceedings and travel across the country to compete in tournaments against teams from other universities. Build your oral and written skills, and develop critical thinking and analytical skills essential for law school and graduate programs, meet and connect with successful CSUF alumni, build a network of attorneys and judges and prepare for your future careers.
Passage to the Future
Calling all Humanities and Social Science majors. Our Passage to the Future program positions you for professional success. You found a major you are passionate about. Turn that passion into a satisfying career. By being part of the Passage to the Future, you will engage in career development throughout your time at CSUF.
Presenting your research
Discover the opportunities to present your original research by participating in a symposium on campus, traveling with other students and faculty to a professional conference, or publishing your original work in one of our many student-led journals, some of which have won national awards:
The American Papers, an American Studies Journal
Dash Literary Journal
The Welebaethan, a History Journal
Change your understanding of yourself and the world by enrolling in one of our study abroad programs taught by globally-focused, expert faculty. Study British cultural history in London, child development of Mayan communities in Mexico, social justice in South Africa, public history in Germany, and the cultural impact of the coffee industry in Vietnam. A rotating suite of Study Abroad programs provides students with never-ending possibilities.
UACRE, run out of the Center for Sustainability
Complete hands-on community-based research projects on topics related to food security, nutritional sufficiency, environmental justice, and sustainable agriculture.