Color Swirl Style

This style allows you to turn a bulleted list (UL) into a swiriling image where the border will move on mouseover or tab activation.  It also allows you to place text into the space when activated it will appear over the image.  You are free to use this on your pages but remember if the text in an image is important it needs to be presented to the end user in plain text.

About this style

To help edit and maintain ease of update the bulleted list is broken down into three items within a standard bulleted list.

  • Item one is left blank, it will become the border
  • item two is a standard image with alt text
  • item three is a single hyperlink for activation

You are free to use any number of lits within an editing section but each list will be styled the same way.  If you need to have lists and swirls on the same page put them in different sections.


  • list_colorswirl
  • list_colorswirl_250
  • list_colorswirl_300
  • list_colorswirl_350

The number after the color swirl is a hard coded pixel width/heigth of the image being used.  

Best Practices:

Images for each swirl are up to you and square images work best. By default images are scaled down to 200px by 200px but will expand to a maxium of 350px by 350px depending on which css style you use.

Below you'll find two examples where the image is not square and you can see more distortion the smaller the image is. 

CSS Style


CSS Style


  • Fullerton Titans
  • Fullerton Titans