Katherine Bono, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Health and Human Development

katherine bono

Dr. Bono became a faculty member at CSUF in the fall of 2006.  She earned her undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of the Pacific and her M.A. and Ph.D. in applied developmental psychology from Claremont Graduate University. Her teaching and research is focused on the influences of parenting, intervention, and executive function on developmental outcomes in children and families, with published research in Early Child Development and Care, Journal of Early Intervention, and Infants and Young Children. While at CSUF, she has served as Associate Dean for the College of Health and Human Development and has been a long-serving Department Chair for the Department of Child and Adolescent Studies. Dr. Bono has participated in many shared governance efforts on campus serving on or chairing many committees, including the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Faculty Research Committee. Dr. Bono is also actively involved in the Early Childhood Education and Advocacy community in Orange County and co-directs the CSUF Resilient Families Program, a community-based program for children and parents.

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