Eileen Walsh, Ph.D.

Associate vice President, Academic Programs

eileen walsh

Dr. Walsh grew up in a working-class family in East Los Angeles and was first in her family to attend college—thanks to an academic scholarship.  She earned her A.B., M.A., and Ph.D. from USC.  She was hired as an assistant professor of Sociology at CSUF in 2006.  In the Sociology Department, she served as a Graduate Advisor, developed five new courses, and initiated the implementation of the Transfer Student Learning Community while serving on several standing committees of the Academic Senate.  After six and half years as Sociology Department Chair, Dr. Walsh turned to service on the Academic Senate, where she has been elected to the Executive Committee seven times—currently as Chair of the Academic Senate.  Passionate about the transformative power of learning, Dr. Walsh is committed to developing programs that improve the student college experience.  Before her time in higher education, Dr. Walsh had a 20-year career in the County of Orange.  She served on several Boards of community organizations and as an elected member of the Governing Boards of Laguna Beach Unified School District and the Capistrano-Laguna Regional Occupation Program.


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Lateral management: Provost Council members
  • Vertical Management: people with report lines to me and also people to whom I report
  • Assessment planning and resources
  • Service to University in all areas of undergraduate programs (curriculum/Curriculog, University Catalog/Acalog, General Education, Honors, Supplemental Instruction, University Learning Center)
  • Accessibility to campus partners
  • Learning: both own position and how to assist others in learning