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About Us


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CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Service Corporation (ASC) was incorporated on October 26, 1959 as a nonprofit public corporation for the purpose of promoting and assisting the educational mission of Cal State Fullerton. In fulfilling its mission, the ASC employs over 900 people as it performs a variety of services throughout the campus community, including:

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Managing commercial operations Campus Dining and Titan Shops.

Administering educational grants and contracts.

Handling fiscal administration for University programs.

Acquiring additional campus facilities like College Park & Titan Hall.

Overseeing University Gables.

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ASC is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of students, faculty, administrators and prominent leaders from the surrounding community. The ASC’s Executive Director serves as the ASC’s Chief Executive Officer.

The CSU Fullerton ASC is a multi-dimensional organization created to provide a multitude of services, efficiently and effectively under the auspices of a single organization. The ASC returns a significant portion of its revenues generated through these programs to aid the University in achieving its educational mission

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Management Team

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Chuck Kissel in blue suitExecutive Director: Chuck Kissel

Chuck Kissel became ASC’s Executive Director and CEO in 2017. In this role, he provides leadership and direction to a $70M non-profit corporation. ASC has approximately 1,500 employees with self-managed operations in campus stores and dining, sponsored programs, and property development. Chuck began his ASC career in 1994 as a student and held several positions at Titan Shops from Course Materials, Customer Service and Operations, and Director before becoming Associate Executive Director in 2012. Prior to joining ASC, Chuck worked for Sears Roebuck & Co and Disneyland.

Chuck has been President of Independent College Bookstore Association (ICBA), Trustee of the West for the NACS Board of Trustees (chairing the Finance & Budget and Audit Committees) and on the Board of Directors for indiCo. He currently serves on the Auxiliary Organizations Risk Management Alliance (AORMA), and California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA). He is a CSUF alumnus, having received his MBA in finance, BA in Entrepreneurial Management, and now teaches corporate finance part-time for the CSUF College of Business and Economics.

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Tony LynchAssociate Executive Director: Tony Lynch

Tony Lynch is the Associate Executive Director and Contract Administrator at CSUF's Auxiliary Services Corporation. In this role, Tony is responsible for the following areas: Property Management, Human Resources, Information Technology, Sponsored Programs, and Contract Administration.
In the recent past, Tony completed his service as a Foundation Board member for the National Association of College Auxiliary Services (NACAS). At NACAS, he worked with a team of University Leaders and Business Partners from across the country, helping to provide expertise and support on current topics in Auxiliary Services. Before joining CSUF ASC, Tony was Marriott International's General Manager for the University and Community College System of Northern Nevada. There, his responsibilities included the University of Nevada, Reno; National Judicial College; Truckee Meadows Community College; Western Nevada Community College; Lawlor Events Center; and Mackay Stadium. In this capacity, Tony also worked within Higher Education and Corporate Services to help turn around financially challenged operations and set them up for a path to success.

Tony holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management (BSM); an MBA from the University of La Verne; Certification in Senior Leadership from the University of Virginia (UVA), McIntire School of Commerce, and the Inclusion Champion Certificate Program for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEIP) from CSUF.

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Daniel GaytanFinancial Services Director: Daniel Gaytan

Daniel Gaytan became Auxiliary Services’ Director of Financial Services in 2024, responsible for establishing financial procedures, internal controls, reporting systems, legal and regulatory compliance for all accounting, and financial reporting functions.  Prior to this, he was our Staff Accountant from 2008 to 2013, leaving ASC to pursue his CPA license.  Since then, he gained 20 years of finance, accounting, and executive leadership experience, including as Director of Finance and Administration at local non-profit organization.

Eager for more knowledge, he also earned a Master’s degree in Taxation from Golden Gate University and holds an active CPA license.  Daniel has further demonstrated a broad array of skills required to obtain the National Association of College Auxiliary Services’ (NACAS’) Certified Auxiliary Services Professional (CASP) designation.

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Kim BallAuxiliary Enterprises Director: Kim Ball

As the Director of Auxiliary Enterprises, Kim Ball leads the teams of Campus Dining, Titan Shops, and Auxiliary Marketing, and facilitates the university licensing program.  Kim joined Auxiliary Services in 2008 after spending thirteen years at the Cal State San Bernardino campus store.  The Auxiliary Enterprises division is comprised of 9 campus locations, with over $17.5 million in annual sales, and more than 250 employees, mostly Cal State Fullerton students. During her tenure, Kim has strengthened campus outreach, improved on-time textbook requisition submissions, expanded the bookstore’s textbook rental program, lead the implementation of the Oracle NetSuite operating system, and drove customer service improvements in Titan Shops, with the operation earning a top three rank in the division of Admin & Finance for overall customer service during 2017-21.

Kim has served on several campus and industry committees including the California Association of College Stores Education Committee; National Association of College Stores Textbook Rental Taskforce & the Retail Council; CSU Bookstore Advisory Team to the Chancellor’s Office; Affordable Learning Solutions Committee (CSUF); CSU Independent Stores Group, co-chair; ASI Board of Directors, Special Representative (CSUSB); Independent College Bookstores Association Board of Directors; and the 2024-29 Strategic Plan Oversite Committee (CSUF).  In Fall 2003, Kim was featured in NACS’s The College Store magazine as one of the “ Top 20 Under 40 Up-and-Coming Collegiate Retail Leaders ” and in the Fall 2008 follow up article“ Where Are They Now ?”

Kim earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (Marketing) from California State University, San Bernardino, with additional graduate work in Integrated Marketing Communications.

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Strategic Plan

The ASC champions Cal State Fullerton's strategic vision by delivering innovative services that generate and retain revenue, directly supporting the university's long-term growth and sustainability.

2025-30 Strategic Plan

2020-25 Strategic Plan
2015-20 Strategic Plan
2015-20 Strategy Map

Organization Structure

Explore the ASC's organizational hierarchy, which illuminates the interconnected roles and reporting relationships that drive its operational framework.

View the ASC Organization Chart


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