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Community Organizations

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  • 100 Black Men of Orange County
    To empower the African American community by providing focused, effective, participatory leadership that improves public policy and enhances the overall education, social, and economic status of minorities.
  • Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County
    An opportunity to meet community and business leaders while networking with others to make new business contacts.
  • National Association for the Advance of Colored People (NAACP)
    The primary focus of the NAACP continues to be the protection and enhancement of the civil rights of African Americans and other minorities.
  • National Coalition of 100 Black Women
    NCBW is dedicated to community service, the creation of wealth for social change, the enhancement of career opportunities for women of color through networking and strategically designed programs, and the empowerment of women of color to meet their diverse needs.
  • National Council of Negro Women, Inc
    Promote education, ethnic pride, self development, achievement, and cultural enrichment for African American women, their families, and communities.
  • Precinct Reporter
    Local newspapers (joint Tri-County Bulletin and Long Beach Leader) addressing current events and news affecting the African-American community in Orange County, Inland Empire, and Long Beach areas.
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