Dr. Paula Hudson

Office: MH-585
Phone: (657) 278-2641

Email: phudson@fullerton.edu

Lab: DBH-142
Phone: (657) 278-5282

Paula Hudson

Associate Professor Analytical Chemistry
Vice Chair 
Undergraduate Program Advisor


Research Interests 

To this day, a lack of understanding exists on the role atmospheric aerosol has on climate change. Aerosol can directly affect climate by absorbing, scattering, and re-emitting incoming solar and outgoing terrestrial radiation. Aerosol can also indirectly affect climate by acting as cloud condensation nuclei. Further, the composition of atmospheric aerosol can change as they react with man-made pollutants. Our laboratory uses a number of instruments to measure the radiative properties of aerosol (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) as well as the cloud forming potential of aerosol (quartz crystal microbalance and tandem differential mobility analyzer). By better understanding the properties of aerosol we can provide information to atmospheric modelers to better predict climate change.


Postdoctoral University of Iowa (Professor Vicki Grassian)
Postdoctoral National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO, (Dr. Daniel Murphy)
Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, (Professor Margaret Tolbert)
B.A. University of California, San Diego

Selected Publications

"Infrared Extinction and Size Distribution Measurements of Mineral Dust Aerosol."  P. K. Hudson, M. A. Young, P. D. Kleiber, and V. H. Grassian, in Fundamentals and Applications of Aerosol Spectroscopy, Ed. J. P. Ried and R. Signorell, CRC Press, 2010.

"T-Matrix Studies of Aerosol Particle Shape Effects on IR Resonance Spectral Line Profiles and Comparison with Experiment."  P. D. Kleiber, V. H. Grassian, M. A. Young, and P. K. Hudson, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2009, 114, D21209, doi:  10.1029/2009JD012710.

"Coupled Infrared Extinction and Size Distribution Measurements of Several Non-Clay Components of Mineral Dust Aerosol (Quartz, Calcite, and Dolomite)."  P. K. Hudson, M. A. Young, P. D. Kleiber and V. H. Grassian, Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42, 5991-5999.

"Coupled Infrared Extinction and Size Distribution Measurements of Several Clay Components of Mineral Dust Aerosol." P. K. Hudson, E. R. Gibson, M. A. Young, P. D. Kleiber and V. H. Grassian, Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmospheres, 2008, 113, D01201, doi:10.1029/2007JD008791.

"Generation of Internally Mixed Insoluble and Soluble Aerosol Particles to Investigate the Impact of Heterogeneous Processing in the Atmosphere." E. R. Gibson, K. M. Gierlus, P. K. Hudson and V. H. Grassian, Aerosol Science and Technology, 2007, 41, 914 - 924.

"A Newly Designed and Constructed Instrument for Coupled Infrared Extinction and Size Distribution Measurements of Aerosols." P. K. Hudson, E. R. Gibson, M. A. Young, P. D. Kleiber and V. H. Grassian, Aerosol Science and Technology, 2007, 41, 710 – 710.

"Carbonaceous material in aerosol particles in the lower stratosphere and tropopause region." D. M. Murphy, D. J. Cziczo, P. K. Hudson and D. S. Thomson, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2007, 112, D04203, doi:10.1029/2006JD007297. 

"Nitric acid condensation on ice, Part II: Kinetic limitations, a possible clock for cloud parcel lifetime.", B. Gamblin, O. B. Toon, Y. Kondo, N. Takegawa, H. Irie, M. Koike, P. K. Hudson, M. A. Tolbert, J. O. Ballenthin, D. E. Hunton, T. M. Miller, A. A. Viggiano, B. E. Anderson, M. Avery, G. W. Sachse, K. Guenther, C. Sorenson and M. J. Mahoney, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2007, 112, D12209, doi:10.1029/2005JD006049.

"Distribution of lead in single atmospheric particles." D. M. Murphy, P. K. Hudson, D. J. Cziczo, S. Gallavardin, K. D. Froyd, M. V. Johnston, A. M. Middlebrook, M. S. Reinard, D. S. Thomson, T. Thornberry and A. S. Wexler, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 7, 3195 – 3210.

"A Spectroscopic Study of Atmospherically Relevant Concentrated Aqueous Nitrate Aerosols." P. K. Hudson, J. Schwarz, J. Baltrusaitis, E. R. Gibson and V. H. Grassian, Journal of Physical Chemistry A Letters, 2007, 111, 544 – 548.


Courses Taught

Spring 2024 Office Hours

Mon 12:30pm-1:30pm, Wed 2pm-3pm or by appointment.