Midterms can be stressful, so CSUF’s NAHJ held a fun activity to help relieve that stress on Oct. 9 ( Photo credit: Hritu Barua )
Students who attended the Halloween-themed trivia event that the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) put together on Monday, Oct. 9, can attest to the fun and competitive energy that filled the room that night. NAHJ members and students who wanted to participate in the fun showed up to decompress after completing midterms or as a break from studying for those upcoming.
Students served themselves pizza, chips and soda that Cal State Fullerton’s chapter of NAHJ provided in Titan Student Union’s Gilman-AB at 4 p.m. While sitting with their food and conversing among themselves, NAHJ president Braulio Cortes opened Kahoot on the T.V. to start their first activity. The first Kahoot game was called “Halloween Theme’’ which Cortes made himself to test the students’ knowledge.

Students were very excited and wanted to divert their minds from the stress of their midterms. Cortes also ensured that the students who won the games would be given a prize, such as a gift card and key chain. Students became more motivated and competitive than before.
The first round of the game began with the question, “What was the most-grossed horror movie of the year?” Students squinted their eyes and scratched their heads. They were running out of time as they had four minutes left on their hands. They knew many movies that did decent at the box office. Students had no choice but to rely on their educated guesses. Cortes revealed the first answer, and the movie was “The Exorcist,” which has been crowned the best horror film thus far in the year. Students cheered as their answers came out right, while others were not so lucky.
Cortes announced another Kahoot game, but this time, he wanted other students to win. This time, the game was called “Name America's Capital City.”
Once attendees finished selecting their screen names and characters for this new round, the moderator asked the first question: “What is the capital of California?” At first, students were confident as they thought they answered it correctly. Some mentioned Los Angeles because of how well-known California is for this Southern California county. However, the answer was Sacramento. Sounds of disappointments and regrets filled the room, but students continued to have fun.
The event wrapped up around 5 p.m., but students lingered to talk. Because of midterms and last-minute projects weighing on them, students simply wanted to enjoy their time before reality collided again.