The Daily Titan visited the University of Minnesota for the CMBAM student media sales convention to listen to guest speakers, fellow students from other universities, and their faculty advisors.
by Bayla Gomberg
Daily Titan advertising adviser Michelle Kurland, and Chloe Lau, student director of marketing for the Daily Titan, led a workshop on, “Leveraging On-Campus Events and Social Media Campaigns to Increase Campus Engagement” at the October conference of the College Media Business and Advertising Managers (CMBAM).
The Daily Titan visited the University of Minnesota for the CMBAM student media sales convention to listen to guest speakers, fellow students from other universities, and their faculty advisors. Guests had the opportunity to participate in workshops to learn from others and gather different perspectives on student media sales and marketing. Focusing specifically on advertising campaigns, Daily Titan gained insight into creating effective campaigns, how to target potential clients and to manage a campaign within your team. CSUF’s Daily Titan staff learned new ways of managing the sales process, making the interactions between different departments more seamless, and ways to boost engagement in client campaigns!