Jaclyn Davis (left) and Kyle Fulbright auditioned for "The Choice" at NBC4 in Los Angeles
Two communications students were invited to compete on "The Choice," a sports-debate type segment that is hosted by longtime NBC Sports Anchor Fred Roggin during "Going Roggin" on NBC4 Los Angeles. Seniors Jaclyn Davis and Kyle Fulbright, who work as producers for Titan Sports at Titan TV, will compete in the bracket round in February and March.
"Awesome feeling advancing in the competition," says Fulbright, who works as an Associate Producer for Titan Sports. "having the opportunity to appear on television with one of the most well known sports hosts in this area is really cool."
"I can't even express how I feel," says Davis, who is the Executive Producer of Titan Sports. "This is an opportunity that could help me with my future, and having a chance to be on TV makes it that much more exciting! I can't wait to see what this opportunity brings me!"
Davis and Fulbright sent 30 second audition videos and were invited to audition in person at the NBC studios in Los Angeles. Their names were announced during a broadcast on "Going Roggin" on NBC4 Los Angeles. They were e-mailed an official notification shortly after. Their first rounds will be shot live-to-tape and will air later in the week after taping.