Cal Grant GPA Verification Information
To be considered for a Cal Grant you must have your GPA verified by the appropriate college or high school office. The following information explains where to submit your GPA Verification form
based on your current high school or college status, review the text that best suits your status.
Be sure to complete either the Free Application for Federal Studen Aid (FAFSA)
or California Dream Act Application (CADAA)
by March 2nd of every year as well.
Important Note: GPA verification is ONLY required for students who are NOT awarded a Cal Grant in the current academic year.
Graduating High School Students & College Students with Less Than 24 College Units Earned
To qualify for the Cal Grant, your high school must verify your GPA and submit it to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Your GPA verification form must be postmarked by March 2nd for the following academic year.
Complete the GPA Verification form and submit it to your high school at least three weeks before the March 2nd deadline to ensure sufficient time for processing.
Please use the link above to download and complete the form.
Continuing CSUF Students with at Least 24 College Units Earned
The Office of Financial Aid automatically send your GPA the last week of February to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You are a California resident or AB540 approved.
- You have a current FAFSA or Dream Act on file at CSUF before March 2nd.
- You have earned at least 24 units (including transfer units) at the end of the Fall term of the current academic year.
- You are enrolled for the current academic year.
Your GPA is calculated on all completed college work, excluding non-transferable units and courses not counted in computation for admission to a California public institution of higher education that grants a baccalaureate degree.
Prospective Transfer Students
If you have earned at least 24 college units and wish to apply for a Cal Grant to attend CSUF as a transfer students, you must submit your GPA Verification Form to your previous college or university for completion. Allow at least three weeks before the March 2nd deadline to ensure sufficient time for processing.