Unit 11
Unit 11 Bargaining Unit Positions
Graduate Assistants, Teaching Associates and Instructional Student Assistants positions are governed under the Unit 11 Collective Bargaining Agreement
. Only appropriately qualified students may be hired into the above classifications. Each College and individual departments maintain a listing of open hire positions on their websites. "Open hire" positions are positions available for currently enrolled or admitted students which were not previously committed to a student at the time of admission or under an existing advising relationship with a faculty member. Please see the Career Center
website for Unit 11 job postings on campus.
"By April 1st of each year, the University shall post a summary of bargaining unit positions by department or hiring unit and classification that were filled in that academic year." - Article 2.2, Unit 11 CBA
Graduate Assistants
Under immediate supervision, the Graduate Assistant assists a regular faculty member or the teaching staff with various professional and technical duties associated generally with the subjects or programs in which the assistant is doing graduate work. This work should not take precedence over the successful completion of the graduate degree program by the student in a timely manner. Prior to hiring, department/program should consult the Unit 11 CBA as well as Minimum Classification and Qualification Standards (Graduate Assistants)
to ensure hiring in the correct job code.
Graduate students must be hired into either of the following class codes:
- 2325 - Graduate Assistants, Monthly (and Summer)
- 2355 - Graduate Assistants, Academic Year
Teaching Associates
The Teaching Associate classification provides currently enrolled or admitted CSU graduate students with part-time employment offering practical teaching experience in fields related to their advanced study. They teach university courses and may also assist faculty or teaching staff with various professional and technical activities. Work assignments are closely associated with their program of study or the academic department in which they are enrolled.
Range A represents the salary range for CSU graduate students who (1) are currently enrolled or admitted to master's degree programs and (2) usually teach credit-bearing courses. Range B represents the salary range for CSU graduate students who (1) are currently enrolled or admitted to doctoral degree programs, or hold a doctorate, and (2) usually teach credit-bearing courses.
Prior to hiring, department/program should consult the Unit 11 CBA as well as Minimum Classification and Qualification Standards (Teaching Associates)
to ensure hiring in the correct job code.
Teaching Associates must be hired into the following class codes:
- 2354 - Teaching Associates, Academic Year
- 2353 - Teaching Associates, 12-Month
- 2324 - Teaching Associates, Summer Term
Instructional Student Assistants
Under supervision, Instructional Student Assistants in this classification perform teaching, grading or tutoring duties for the majority of work hours in a given appointment in a given academic department or equivalent administrative unit over the course of an academic term. Assignments are made by academic department or equivalent administrative unit by a specific supervisor at a CSU campus.
Incumbents in this classification work part-time (typically 20 hours per week) during academic periods and may work full-time during academic break periods. Incumbents may have concurrent assignments in other Student Assistant classifications as long as the maximum hours are not exceeded.
Prior to hiring, department/program should consult the Unit 11 CBA as well as Minimum Classification and Qualification Standards
to ensure hiring in the correct job code.
Instructional Student Assistants must be hired into the following class codes:
- 1150 - Instructional Student Assistant (range of hours)
- 1151 - Instructional Student Assistant (On-campus work study)