Inclusion Champion Certificate Program

Spring 2025 ICCP schedule


Core Courses

Allyship 101 (1.5 Hours)

Employees:   Access Allyship 101 via ETCOpens in new window Opens in new window     Students:   Access Allyship 101 via CanvasOpens in new window Opens in new window


Titans Together: An Introduction to Racial Equity Module (1.5 Hours)

Employees:   Access IREM via ETCOpens in new window Opens in new window       Students:   Access IREM via CanvasOpens in new window Opens in new window


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 101Opens in new window

Monday, March 17, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., via Zoom

Tuesday, April 1, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., CP-730


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 200: Intersectionality (ICCP 2.0 Core Course) Opens in new window

Tuesday, March 25, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., via Zoom

Monday, April 21, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., CP-730


Elective Courses*

Gender and Pronoun UseOpens in new window

Tuesday, March 18, 9:00 a.m.  -10:00 a.m., PLS-240

Thursday, April 3, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., via Zoom


Emotional Intelligence

Wednesday, March 19, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., via Zoom

Monday, April 7, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., CP-730Opens in new window


Inclusive Customer Service

Thursday, March 20, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., PLS-240Opens in new window

Wednesday, April 9, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., via ZoomOpens in new window


Unconscious & Implicit Bias in EducationOpens in new window

Friday, March 21, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., via Zoom

Tuesday, April 15, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., PLS-256


Restorative Justice 101Opens in new window

Monday, March 24, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., PLS-240

Thursday, April 17, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., CP-730


Activating Your Leadership With ValuesOpens in new window

Thursday, March 27, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., CP-730

Thursday, April 24, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., via Zoom


Engagement Programs*

Community Building Circle

Wednesday, March 5, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., CP-730Opens in new window


Restorative Practices Cohort (RPC)

Thursday, March 13, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 20, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 27, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 3, OPTIONAL office hours
Thursday, April 10, ALL DAY RETREAT

Apply to the March RPC Opens in new window


Amplified Common Listen Program

Tuesday, March 18, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., PLS-170Opens in new window

Tuesday, April 8, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Location TBDOpens in new window


Boost: A Lunchtime Professional Development Series

Register for Spring 2025 Boost sessionsOpens in new window


"How to be a Team Player - Without Burning Out"

Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m., TSU Ontiveros


"Your 3-step Guide to Setting Better Boundaries at Work"

Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m., TSU Ontiveros


"Reclaiming Self-Care"

Thursday, May 8, 2025, 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m., TSU Ontiveros



*This list is non-exhaustive. If you find an engagement program or elective course that meets the ICCP framework, reach out to Karina Trejo at to confirm it as one of your engagement programs or electives.

The ICCP is a certificate program that all CSUF community members can participate in to learn tools for becoming a 'Champion of Inclusion' in the university. ICCP courses provide opportunities for self-reflection, increase cultural competency and awareness, and offers offer tangible application to participants' current university roles.

All participants who complete the required coursework will be acknowledged at the annual Inclusion Champion Gala at the end of the academic year to celebrate their accomplishment and dedication to inclusion at CSUF.


Learning Outcomes

Participants of the Inclusion Champion Certification Program will:

  • Learn shared definitions of common diversity, inclusion, and equity language.
  • Enhance awareness of the practice of social justice and racial equity. 
  • Engage in practical opportunities to expand their cultural awareness and understanding.
  • Gain skills necessary to embed equity-minded practices in their everyday work.
  • Build community through learning communities and engagement opportunities.


ICCP Framework


ICCP Framework Triangle

The ICCP framework seeks to help participants understand themselves, their role on campus, and how to leverage their sphere of influence to impact positive change through racial equity and justice at CSUF.


Knowledge and Capacity Building Objectives

  • Learning opportunities to help participants gain foundational knowledge and understanding of racial equity
  • Learning opportunities to enhance the skills in advocating for racial equity

Engagement and Community Building Objective

  • Programs/Events that help participants deepen their understanding of lived experiences as they relate to racial equity
  • Provide an opportunity for participants to connect the knowledge gained in workshops/trainings to lived experiences

Reflection and Application Objective

  • Exercise for the participant to share how they have connected their learning to the engagement components of the framework
  • Action planning for participants to connect the ICCP program to their work and role in the university



Completion of Program

The ICCP completion requirements are as follows:

  • Completion of all core courses
    • DEI 101
    • Allyship 101
    • Titans Together: Introduction to Racial Equity Module
  • Completion of FIVE elective courses
    • Upcoming elective courses can be found in the DIEP monthly newsletter, along with educational opportunities from a variety of university partners.
    • If you find an elective course that meets the ICCP framework and is not listed in the DIEP monthly newsletter, reach out to Karina Trejo Melendez at to confirm.
  • Attendance at TWO unique engagement programs
    • Engagement programs should align with the ICCP framework and can be found through DIEP or other university partners.
    • If you find an engagement program that meets the ICCP framework and is not listed in the DIEP monthly newsletter, reach out to Karina Trejo Melendez at to confirm.
  • Application and reflection essay
    • Submit answers the following prompts with at least 600 words per prompt:
      • How has the knowledge you gained from ICCP impacted your personal and professional life?
      • How do you plan to utilize the knowledge and experiences you gained from ICCP to improve equity and inclusion at CSUF?




Tracking Your Progress

Participants are responsible for tracking their own progress for ICCP. Track your progress using the  ICCP Completion LogPDF File .

Upon completion of certificate requirements, submit the ICCP Completion Log and reflection essay to Karina Trejo Melendez at DIEP will confirm receipt and completion of courses, programs, and reflection essay.


ICCP 2.0

ICCP 2.0 supports and augments the goals of the Inclusion Champion Certificate Program, introducing critical new features to the ICCP with the objectives of diversifying the subject level of educational offerings, creating a more streamlined program experience, and encouraging continued engagement with DEI topics. 

These features include newly developed educational trainings and interactive workshops that delve deeper into intermediate-to-advanced level DEI concepts, the implementation of a digital participation-tracking and data collection system, and the introduction of a recertification process and ICCP community events.

Like the ICCP, ICCP 2.0 will provide enhanced opportunities for self-reflection, increase cultural competency and awareness, and offer tangible skills for participants to apply in and beyond current campus roles. 

The objective of ICCP 2.0 is to facilitate the transition from education to advocacy; from a focus on self to a focus on community.


ICCP 2.0 Courses :

  • Activating Your Leadership with Values
  • DEI 200: Intersectionality
  • Dialogue in 3 Acts: A Restorative Justice Framework
  • Inclusive Customer Service for MPPs
  • Restorative Justice: The “Why” of Restorative Practices 



ICCP Recertification will be required after two years have passed since graduating the ICCP.

Recertification can be achieved by completing the following requirements:

  • Completion of the intermediate core course:
    • DEI 200: Intersectionality 
  • Completion of one additional intermediate-level elective course
  • Participation in two additional engagement opportunities
  • Submission of a DEI Action Plan*

Recertification lasts for another two years after receipt. Every two years after, to maintain Recertification, a participant must take part in one elective and two engagement opportunities. 

Participants are responsible for tracking their own progress for ICCP 2.0. Track your progress and create your DEI Action Plan using the ICCP 2.0 Completion Log and DEI Action Plan Template PDF File


Inclusion Champion Gala

ICCP and ICCP 2.0 graduates will be honored at the annual Inclusion Champion Gala at the end of the academic year and are encouraged to continue attending a rotating schedule of courses and engagement opportunities.

Save the Date!

Inclusion Champion Gala

Wednesday, May 7, 2025

If you would like to be included in the 2025 Inclusion Champion Gala, please complete all ICCP requirements and submit all materials to   by   Tuesday, April 1st.

If you do not complete ICCP by that date you will be included in the following 2026 ICCP Gala.

ICCP Graduates at the 2023 ICCP Gala ICCP Graduates holding their certificates at the 2023 ICCP Gala ICCP Graduates at the 2023 ICCP Gala



Q: What is ICCP?

A: ICCP is the Inclusion Champion Certificate Program and is housed in the Office of Engagement and Belonging (OEB) to promote equity-minded practices in the university through knowledge, community, and reflection. For more information, see the program overview and ICCP Framework.


Q: Who can receive an ICCP certificate?

A: Anyone at CSUF – faculty, staff, students, alumni, and on-campus community partners.


Q: Where do I find a schedule of ICCP offerings?

A: ICCP offerings are announced in the DIEP monthly newsletters in the Fall and Spring semesters. Newsletters are sent to CSUF employees, however, students, alumni and other CSUF community members can subscribe to the OEB monthly newsletterOpens in new window . View previous newsletters online.Opens in new window


Q: I took some of these courses already. Can I use those towards the ICCP?

A: Only courses completed Spring 2020 and after can be counted towards the ICCP certificate. Trainings/workshops evolve to meet the needs of our campus. To ensure that our participants are getting the most relevant knowledge for our community, ICCP will only accept trainings and programs from Spring 2020.


Q: Is there a timeframe to receive the certificate?

A: All trainings and courses can be counted towards the certificate for two academic years. For example, if you took your first course towards the certificate in Spring of 2020 then that course can count towards your certification until Spring 2022. If a course exceeds two academic years, you will have to re-attend the training or program. This ensures that all participants have received the most up-to-date and relevant information for our campus community.


Q: I see other engagement programs and courses that meet the ICCP framework that weren’t in the OEB newsletter, can I use those towards the ICCP?

A: Yes, there are many engagement opportunities and courses that exist on our campus to help build equity-minded practices and understanding. If you find an engagement program or course that meets the ICCP framework, reach out to Karina Trejo at to confirm it as one of your engagement programs or electives.


Q: I work for an office/department that provides trainings/workshops and programs that align with the objectives and ICCP framework. How can I get my trainings/workshops and programs included in ICCP?

A: It is our goal to include as many educational and engagement opportunities as possible that meet the criteria for ICCP. If you have opportunities for the university, reach out to Karina Trejo at to inquire about listing your trainings/workshops and/or programs.


Q: I forgot what date I took one of my trainings. Can I still get credit for it even if I don’t put down a date?

A: No. For trainings and workshops facilitated by OEB, reach out to Karina Trejo at to confirm the date. Contact facilitators for non-OEB sessions to confirm a date. We recommend filling out the ICCP Completion Log as you meet program requirements.


Q: I finished! Now what?

A: If you have completed all the required the components of the ICCP, submit your completed ICCP Completion Log PDF File Opens in new window and reflection essay to Karina Trejo at


Q: What’s the different between an elective course and an engagement program?

A: An elective course seeks to increase knowledge while the main purpose of an engagement program is to connect knowledge learned in the core and elective courses to lived experiences. For example, an elective course would be a module on pronoun usage and how to incorporate it in the workplace. An engagement program would be a panel discussion where transgender and non-binary panelists discuss their experiences in the workplace, where participants can take knowledge from their pronoun use module and connect it to the lived experiences of transgender and non-binary individuals in the workplace.


Q: Can I submit my essay in a language other than English?

A: Yes, to ensure that all participants have an equitable chance to complete the certificate program, participants are able to submit their essays in a language they are most comfortable expressing their experience and reflection.


Q: I require an accommodation to complete the ICCP Certificate. Will I still be able to participate?

A: Yes, please reach out to Karina Trejo at  to discuss any accommodations that you might need to fully participate in the program.