StaffCon is a one-day professional development conference for staff at Cal State Fullerton.
StaffCon will feature a keynote speaker and numerous concurrent workshops on a range of personal and professional development topics.
Past Conferences
StaffCon 2025
Development is a Quest
Embark on a quest where learning fuels your personal and professional success.
Tuesday, FEBruary 18, 2025
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 p.m.
Titan Student Union
Keynote Speaker
Van Lai-DuMone
Founder & CEO, Worksmart Advantage
Interactive Keynote
Stronger Together by the Sum of Our Differences
What sets us apart, and the sum of our differences - makes us stronger together.
This interactive keynote offers a playful experience where participants use tools of creativity and creative problem-solving to uncover and share their unique skills, talents, and character strengths. They then apply these discoveries toward a shared goal.
This keynote includes activities designed to foster connection by encouraging participants to share strengths and exchange ideas. Through an engaging exercise, participants experience the powerful perspective of “seeing themselves through the eyes of others,” deepening self-awareness and team cohesion.
Key Takeaways:
- Personal Reflection: A curated list of individual strengths, skills, and talents that can drive innovation and spark new ideas in the workplace.
- Actionable Insight: A personalized plan for applying those strengths to achieve shared goals.
- Creative Problem-Solving Tools: A practical toolkit of techniques to enhance collaboration and innovation in the workplace.
Block A
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Title | Location |
Supporting Student Staff Success: From Campus to Career | Alvarado |
Breaking Barriers: Ableism, Access, and Allyship in Higher Education | Bradford |
Wellness & Self-Care Activities | Gabrielino |
Restorative Practices 101 (*ICCP course) | Gilman |
CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction Program | Hetebrink |
Amplified discussion: "How to make stress your friend" | Ontiveros |
Data Informed Practices: Using Data to Inform Your Work | Tuffree |
Instinctive Meditation | Titan Theater |
Block B
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Title | Location |
Supporting Undocumented Students | Alvarado |
Every Second Counts: Crisis Response for Drug Overdose | Bradford |
Propel Your Team Forward by Leading with Trust | Gabrielino |
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity 101 (*ICCP course) | Gilman |
Conquering Credit | Hetebrink |
Overview of Gender-Affirming Care | Ontiveros |
Travel 101 | Tuffree |
Leadership and Risk Taking | Titan Theater |
Block C
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Title | Location |
Supporting Undocumented Students | Alvarado |
LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Boost Your Professional Presence Online | Bradford |
Propel Your Team Forward by Leading with Trust | Gabrielino |
Emotional Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Interactions (*ICCP course) |
Gilman |
SMART Financial Habits | Hetebrink |
Amplified discussion: "How to Make Stress Your Friend" | Ontiveros |
Intersectionality of Neurodiversity: ADHD, Autism, OCD, etc. | Tuffree |
IMPROVing Conflict Resolution Skills | Titan Theater |
Block D
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Title | Location |
Supporting Student Staff Success: From Campus to Career | Alvarado |
Every Second Counts: Crisis Response for Drug Overdose | Bradford |
Staff by Day, Student by Night: A Panel Discussion about Working Full Time While Continuing Your Education | Gabrielino |
Gender Identity and Pronoun Use (*ICCP course) | Gilman |
CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction Program | Hetebrink |
Overview of Gender-Affirming Care | Ontiveros |
Creating Inclusion with Accessibility | Tuffree |
IMPROVing Conflict Resolution Skills | Titan Theater |
StaffCon 2024
January 18, 2024
View photos from StaffCon 2024
StaffCon 2024 presentation materials
StaffCon 2024 opening remarks and keynote speech
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Ijeoma C. Nwaogu, Ph.D (“Dr. IJ”)
Dr. IJ is a well-regarded speaker, leadership coach, and author of the book, “Overcoming Imposter Anxiety."
Keynote Session
A.C.T. Now To Surmount Imposter Anxiety
Schedule Overview
7:30 AM | Check-in opens |
8:00 - 8:30 AM | Coffee and hot breakfast (optional) |
8:30 - 8:45 AM | Opening remarks (Dr. Cecil Chik and SDC Advisory Board Member) |
8:45 - 9:45 AM | Keynote |
10:00 - 11:00 AM | Concurrent sessions Block A (see below for sessions) |
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM | Concurrent Sessions Block B (see below for sessions) |
12:15 - 1:15 PM | Lunch |
1:30 - 2:30 PM | Concurrent Sessions Block C (see below for sessions) |
2:45 - 3:45 PM | Concurrent Sessions Block D (see below for sessions) |
4:00 - 4:30 PM | Closing |
Concurrent session Block A
10:00-11:00 AM
Session Title | Location in TSU | Speaker(s) | Session Description |
Creating a Healthy Mind: Addressing Burnout | Alvarado | Jessica Coats | Burnout is a real thing that leaves us exhausted, detached from our jobs and inefficient in all areas of our lives. Creating a healthy mindset that is flexible and able to adapt to the stress of everyday life is a remedy to avoid burnout. Content includes:
Digital Accessibility and How it Affects You | Bradford | Jonni Taylor | Making content and tools accessible removes barriers for people with disabilities. However, accessible digital content increases everyone's learning and enjoyment. |
Data Informed Practices: Using Data to Inform Your Work | Gilman | Noha Abdou & Yessica De La Torre Roman | Using data to inform your practice does not have to be complicated and is a best practice in our work as educators. This workshop will review how to use assessment to impact success and experience and where to access existing data on students, faculty, and staff. Join us to learn how to access and use data to improve and inform your practice to support student, faculty, and staff success and experience! |
The Melanin Lab: Empowering Your Skincare Journey for Radiant Confidence **2-HOUR SESSION | Hetebrink | Ashley Samai-Dean | In this interactive session, I will connect the realms of skincare education and makeup application with the concept of overall well-being, highlighting their influence on self-assurance and professional efficacy. Our discussions will encompass topics such as skin health, various skin conditions, skincare product utilization, the significance of SPF, and embracing both natural and subtle glamorous makeup techniques tailored to diverse skin types. |
Career Health & Wellness | Ontiveros | Laura Neal | This content rich session is for all levels of working staff who want to increase their career wellness with a healthy resume & cover letter, and find nourishment for the job search. |
Credit Wellness | Tuffree | Krystal Gallegos | In this session we will discuss how to define credit wellness for yourself, why you should care about your credit wellness, the 5 Cs of credit, what's in your credit report, what impacts your credit score, and coaching tips for long-term credit wellness. |
Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity 101 (*ICCP course) | Titan Theater | Philip Vasquez, Grace Gutierrez & Brian Walkley | We hear the terms diversity, inclusion, and equity used all the time. Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably. The purpose of this training is to provide shared language on what these terms mean and how you can put them into action as a member of the Titan Family to better our community. This class will also introduce the concept of privilege groups and how it might impact individual experiences on campus. |
Concurrent Session Block B
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Session Title | Location in TSU | Speaker(s) | Session Description |
Living to Work or Working to Live: Finding Life Balance | Alvarado | Jessica Coats | We need to let go of the desire to achieve a perfect balance between work and family. In most cases, it is impossible and only causes more stress and guilt. However, there are things we can do to bridge the gap that exists between the two. Content included:
Discover the power of LinkedIn Learning | Bradford | Ryan Zervakos | I will discuss what LinkedIn Learning is all about along with how to get the most out of it. Additionally, I will discuss how to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile. |
Instinctive Meditation | Gilman | Afsaneh Hamedani | Afsaneh Hamedani, an Instinctive Meditation teacher at CSUF since fall 2022, introduces a natural and effortless approach to meditation. Instinctive Meditation, rooted in science and over 100 years of combined experiences of its founders, offers us the freedom to discover our individual and innate path to relaxation and rejuvenation. It is an approach that suits us living in this busy world. |
The Melanin Lab: Empowering Your Skincare Journey for Radiant Confidence **2-HOUR SESSION | Hetebrink | Ashley Samai-Dean | In this interactive session, I will connect the realms of skincare education and makeup application with the concept of overall well-being, highlighting their influence on self-assurance and professional efficacy. Our discussions will encompass topics such as skin health, various skin conditions, skincare product utilization, the significance of SPF, and embracing both natural and subtle glamorous makeup techniques tailored to diverse skin types. |
Conquering Time | Ontiveros | Dr. Marcus Dayhoff | When asked how we manage our time, many of us may reply, “Not well.” We know that we could be managing our time more effectively, but it can be difficult to identify the mistakes that we are making and to know how we can improve. Content includes:
Navigating Career Opportunities at the CSU | Tuffree | Tammy Dietzel | Whether you are looking into opportunities within the CSU system or outside, it is important to understand hiring practices. A discussion surrounding tips and tricks for internal CSU employees applying for new opportunities. |
Gender Identity and Pronoun Use (*ICCP course) | Titan Theater | Grace Gutierrez, Brian Walkley, and Philip Vasquez | This training will provide foundation information on gender, gender identity, and biological sex and highlight the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. The training will provide best practices on how to incorporate pronoun usage in your day to day work and interactions that help foster a space for inclusivity and learning. |
Concurrent Session Block C
1:30-2:30 PM
Session Title | Location in TSU | Speaker(s) | Session Description |
Smart Grocery Shopping & Label Reading | Alvarado | Pedro Molina Jr. | Join us to discover how to shop smarter to meet health needs and learn to read food labels to make healthy choices. |
Making Accessible Documents in Microsoft Word | Bradford | Jonni Taylor | Microsoft Word makes it easy to check your documents for accessibility issues. Along with a few guidelines to get you started, we will cover how to use accessibility checker in Word and how to fix common errors. We will also cover how to properly convert an accessible Word document to PDF. |
Planning Time for Adventure! Tips for Better Work-Life Balance | Gilman | Alan Van Fleet | Discover the importance of work-life balance and learn how to incorporate adventure into your life to achieve it. |
Using Technology to Make Your Life Easier | Hetebrink | Matt Badal | How can stop my Zoom phone from ringing during my Zoom meetings? Does programming my Roomba to clean the house count as doing my vacuuming chores? Technology has helped make our life easier in many ways, but sometimes it isn't as approachable as we hope. In this presentation I will share some tips and tricks to help with technology in your work and personal lives. |
Homebuying 101 | Ontiveros | Molly Flores & Krystal Gallegos | If you dream is to own your own home, the process may seem like a daunting task. We are here to help you along your journey and equip you with the basics around homebuying. We will help you be prepared for the journey, know how much you can afford, answer common questions, and empower you with some behavioral science tips. |
CSU Fee Waiver and Reduction Program | Tuffree | Shannon LeDoux | In this session, we will provide an overview of the CSU Fee Waiver Program including eligibility, deadlines, dependent fee waivers, and related tax information. Participants will also have a chance to ask questions about the program. |
The Employee Wellness Center: Get to Know Us | Titan Theater | Dr. Koren Fisher & Christine Quiros | Join us for an engaging workshop about the Employee Wellness Program (EWP), a wellness resource for CSUF staff and faculty. Dr. Koren Fisher and Christine Quiros will provide an overview of programs and resources promoting employee wellness. They will also engage participants in a wellness activity. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your knowledge about EWP and prioritize your health and wellness. |
Concurrent Session Block D
2:45 - 3:45 PM
Session Title | Location in TSU | Speaker(s) | Session Description |
Eat Well, Live Well: Eating Well for Your Health | Alvarado | Pedro Molina Jr. | In this workshop, you will explore common truths and myths about eating well, and learn tips to eat mindfully and create a healthier plate. |
Caring for Yourself in Chaos | Bradford | Darcy Anderson | The presentation will provide staff with tools and tips on how to care for themselves in trauma-informed ways to avoid burnout and fatigue from secondary and vicarious trauma. |
Professional Development for Student Assistants | Hetebrink | Laura Hooks | In this workshop, we will discuss how to create a comprehensive student staff training plan. Student staff training topics may include introducing staff to campus partners, resources, and opportunities; creating open lines of communication between students and campus functional areas; and preparing CSUF student/staff for the workplace. We will also share strategies for collecting feedback from student staff on areas in which they would like training (DEI, Imposter Syndrome, Graduate Studies, CAPS, etc.). |
Financial Goals & Budgets | Ontiveros | Oscar Herrera | We will discuss Budgeting and how you can use budgeting to reach your Financial Goals and/or retirement. This workshop brings real life methods, knowledge, and experiences from Facilitator and Participants to share about Budgeting and Financial Goals. |
Restorative Practices 101 (*ICCP course) | Titan Theater | Leanna Jasek-Rysdahl | In this session, participants will be introduced to restorative practices and justice by learning the definition of restorative practice, experiencing some of the restorative practices, and by drafting impact statements. |
StaffCon 2022
October 10-11, 2022
Watch the livestream recordings on YouTube
7:45-8:15am Breakfast
8:15-8:30am Welcoming Remarks
David Forgues, VP, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion
8:30-9:15am Keynote Speaker
Ashley B. Stewart, Executive Coach, Leadership Development Practitioner, Racial Consciousness Consultant
9:30-10:45am Professional Development in the Workplace
presented by:
Tammy Dietzel, Associate Director, Talent Acquisition & Strategic Development, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion
Whether you are looking into opportunities within the CSU system or outside, it is important to understand your brand – your skills, passions, and abilities that bring out the best in you. This will include an anecdotal approach to understanding how leaning into our strengths can guide your career, a discussion surrounding branding yourself, and finally tips and tricks for internal CSU employees applying for new opportunities.
11:00am-12:15pm Refining Your Resume
presented by:
Gloria Rodriguez, College Career Specialist for the College of Communications, Career Center
An effective resume will sell your skills and abilities to an employer and help you get an interview. This workshop will include how to format and develop an effective resume, how to update your resume as you continue to grow in your professional career, and how to formulate strong accomplishment statements.
12:30-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:15pm Writing Persuasively
presented by:
Richard Kallan, Professor of Communication, Cal Poly Pomona
This presentation will focus on how to more effectively write persuasive memos and reports. The speaker will discuss strategies and tips for producing messages that are clear, concise, and compelling. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in exercises that apply those strategies and tips.
3:30-4:45pm The Post-COVID era for Mental Health in the Workplace: Navigating Wellbeing in Academia
presented by:
Negar Shekarabi, Coordinator, Faculty/Staff Support Services, UC Irvine
As universities and colleges navigate the post-COVID era of campus life, staff and faculty are in a unique position where their students appear to increasingly turn to them for support while many are also navigating the personal and professional impacts of the last two years in their own lives. Conversations about how to support staff and faculty mental health can be helped if there is a thorough understanding of what the important issues are, what the barriers to proposed solutions may be, and how to make mental health a top priority for your campus.
8:00-8:30am Breakfast
8:30-9:15am Welcome Remarks
Cecil Chik, AVP, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Programs
9:30-10:45am Practical Well-being for Long Term Success
presented by:
Marla Parker, Assistant Professor of Public Administration and Wellness Enthusiast
Cultivating habits are critical for supporting well being. This session focuses on strategies for developing well-being habits that are practical and leverage the power of small steps.
11:00am-12:15pm Data Informed Practices: Using Data to Inform Your Work
presented by:
Noha Abdou, Director of Institutional Research, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
Yessica De La Torre Roman, Associate Director of Assessment, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning
Using data to inform your practice does not have to be complicated and is a best practice in our work as educators. This workshop will review how to use assessment to impact success and experience and where to access existing data on students, faculty, and staff. Join us to learn how to access and use data to improve and inform your practice to support student, faculty, and staff success and experience!
12:30-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:15pm Using Technology to Make Our Lives Easier
presented by:
Matt Badal, Associate Director of Innovation and Data Analytics, Information Technology, CSUF
Technology is always marketed as a way to make our lives easier…but that isn’t always the case. In this presentation I will show you some of the technology resources you may not have known about at CSUF. I will also show some of the advancements in technology that can help you out in your day-to-day lives with the goal of actually making your life easier using technology.
3:30-4:45pm Supporting 1st Gen Students
presented by:
Nicole Enrique, Licensed Psychologist, Counseling and Psychological Services, CSUF
Naji Shtayyeh, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Counseling and Psychological Services, CSUF
In this session, two CAPS providers will discuss ways you can help support 1 st gen students. This includes a discussion on the 1 st gen experience at a campus like CSUF, challenging imposter syndrome, and balancing different aspects of being a student, as well as reviewing practical steps you can take to support them through their collegiate journey. This session will include some group activities and will draw on attendees’ knowledge and expertise, as well as that of the speakers.
StaffCon 2021
September 23-24, 2021
Keynote Speakers
Derek Young, Motivational Speaker and Culture and Career Strategist
Dr. Anneliese Singh, Author of the Racial Healing Handbook
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SDC's monthly newsletter, The SDC Source
Follow the Staff Development Center on social media!
2025 Conference Planning Committee
Aleena Clavel
Administrative Support Coordinator, Desert Studies Department
Aundrea Hyde
Administrative Analyst/Specialist, Accounts Payable & Travel
Emilio Lara Maza
Graduate Assistant, Office of Engagement and Belonging
Jenny Chung
Coordinator, Titans Dreamers Resource Center
Jinhee Park
Graduate Assistant, Women's Resource Center
Kayla Atkinson
Graduate Assistant, Office of Engagement and Belonging
Ryan Dickey
Project Manager, Information Technology Services
Alexis Naucler (co-chair)
Marketing Specialist, Office of Engagement and Belonging
Saby L. Labor (co-chair)
Learning Programs Manager, Office of Engagement and Belonging