Faculty Related FAQs
When do I call HRIE? When do I call FAR?
Call HRIE's Academic Talent Management unit when you have questions regarding faculty recruitment; faculty appointments and compensation; administrative appointments.
Call Risk Management when you have questions regarding visa status.
Contact Total Wellness when you have questions concerning leaves of absence (personal, professional parental, FML, and difference-in-pay).
Call HRIE's Labor and Employee Relations unit when you have questions regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the California Faculty Association (CFA) and the CSU.
Call Faculty Affairs & Records (FAR) Office when you have questions regarding your personnel action file (PAF); retention, tenure, and promotion (RTP); temporary faculty (lecturer) evaluations; post-tenure review; range elevation; student opinion questionnaires (SOQs); and sabbatical leaves.
Where is Personnel Action File housed? How do I access it?
Full-time Faculty Personnel files (Personnel Action Files—PAFs) are maintained by the Faculty Affairs & Records (FAR) Office
. Faculty Affairs is located in Library PLS-260A and can be contacted by calling 657-278-2125 or emailing far@fullerton.edu
Part-time PAFs are maintained by the Dean’s Office.
What are the various evaluation timeframes?
The FAR office generates timetables at the beginning of each academic year. Please visit the Faculty Affairs & Records (FAR) Office
website to access the timetables as well as to receive more information.
Where can I find the University Policy Statements? The Faculty Handbook? The President’s Directives? The CFA CBA?
What office maintains Faculty Personnel Files?
Faculty personnel files (Personnel Action Files--PAFs) are maintained by the Faculty Affairs & Records Office
. Faculty Affairs is located in Library PLS-260A and can be contacted by calling 657-278-2125 or emailing far@fullerton.edu.