Staff Related FAQs
Where can I find the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the President’s Directives?
You can find the CBAs on the Chancellor’s Office website: www.calstate.edu/hr/employee-relations/bargaining-agreements/
You can find the President’s Directives on the President’s website: President's Directives
What is the difference between Exempt employee and Non-Exempt employees?
Exempt staff employees are expected to accomplish assigned work without regard to the number of hours worked.
If exempt staff employees need to work extra hours in the business day or week, they do not receive overtime or Compensation Time Off (CTO).
When it is necessary for exempt staff employees to work extended hours, managers may authorize informal adjustments in work hours - it is not an hour for hour adjustment.
For exempt classifications, there are no fixed minimum or maximum hours in a workday or workweek.
Exempt employees do not get partial day docks when leaving early or coming in late.
Full-time staff employees in non-exempt classifications shall work a minimum work week of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day period, or eighty (80) hours in a fourteen (14) day period.
Non-Exempt staff employees who work more than forty (40) hours in a work week are eligible for overtime pay or CTO.
Non-Exempt staff employees must enter into Absence Management time they are away from work, e.g. vacation, sick, leaving early, arriving late, etc. Time away from work can be reported in tenths.
What office maintains Staff/Management Personnel Plan (MPP) Employee Files?
Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence maintains the official personnel file for each staff member and Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employee. One official personnel file is maintained for each employee.
What is a Personnel File?
Contents of staff and management personnel files normally include, but are not limited to:
Position History
Application for employment/resume
Appointment letter
Position description
Performance evaluations
Memorandum and letters of praise, counseling, or reprimand
Higher education degree
Notices of completed training
How do I request an appointment to review my personnel file?
The contents of an employee's official personnel file shall be open to the employee's review and review by a union representative and/or steward, when authorized in writing by the employee. Use the Personnel File Access Request Form to request access to your file. If you are unable to access this form, contact Human Resources at (657) 278-2425. You will be contacted within three working days of receipt of the completed Personnel File Access Request For to schedule an appointment to review your file.
How do I obtain copies of my records?
The employee shall bear the cost of duplicating such materials, except when such materials have bearing on disciplinary action or pre-disciplinary matters, including corrective action matters. Please refer to the applicable collective bargaining agreement's grievance or complaint articles for details.
The cost of duplicating material shall be the amount provided in Civil Code Section 1798.33, or any substitute or successor provision of that code section (as of April 2006, the amount is $0.10 per page).
To request photocopies of documents within your official personnel file, please complete the Personnel File Access Request Form
to specify the copy(ies) requested. Within a timely manner, usually within ten business days of receipt of the employee's written request, the employee shall be provided an exact copy of all or any portion of materials officially maintained in the staff personnel file, as requested.