Summons and Complaints, Subpoenas, Public Records Request


If you are a University employee and have questions about a legal process affecting the University, or the service of a summons and complaint or a subpoena, please contact the Office of University Counsel (562)951-4500 the Office of University Risk Management at (657) 278-5465.


The University’s response to many of the types of documents listed below must meet legally-prescribed deadlines so please forward the request to the appropriate office as soon as possible.

  1. Search Warrants. Contact the Office of University Counsel: (562)951-4500.
  2. Police Records. Contact the Office of University Counsel: (562)951-4500.
  3. Public Records Requests. For requests for public records under the California Information Practices Act, California Public Records Act or the Freedom of Information Act, contact the Office of University Risk Management : (657) 278-5465 or send your request to
  4. Audit Records Request. For any record request associated with an audit or review, please contact the University Internal Auditor at (657) 278-4697.
  5. Student Records. For requests for student records other than pursuant to a subpoena, please contact the Office of University Risk Management at (657) 278-5465.