Environmental Studies Scholarships

Below is a list of the scholarship opportunities available to Environmental Studies majors at CSUF. If you have any questions contact Dr. Elaine Lewinnek.


CSUF Environmental Studies Research Scholarship

Amount: $50-$250

Established by: Titan Shops

Open to: Any student completing a Masters in Environmental Studies who is carrying out supervised research in ENST 597 (Project), 598 (Thesis) or 599 (Independent Study).

Criteria: Masters in Environmental Studies 

Application Procedure: Students must submit a written email request to the Chair (elewinnek@fullerton.edu), Graduate Advisor (enst_advisor@fullerton.edu), and the Environmental Studies Office (kbette@fullerton.edu), with the following information: 

  • title of the project and name of project supervisor
  • costs associated with the project (equipment, travel)
  • how the research project will benefit the student professionally and personally

Application Deadline: November 15 and May 1


 Scholarships Open To All Majors