Meet our
"Faces of HSS"
Working to make a difference in the life of our communities and developing the knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference. Promoting quality of life in a community through both political and non-political processes.
Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, resources, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
An understanding of the impact that environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic issues have on the world based on an applicable knowledge of global and cultural perspectives.
Rebecca Bonet
Environmental Studies
Grad Student
Rebecca Bonet is about to receive her M.S. degree in Environmental Studies while also teaching full-time at Valencia High School. During a routine science lab for her high school students, when she showed them how to extract DNA from strawberries, a student commented that he had never actually eaten a strawberry. She began to think about nutritional health, scientific knowledge, and the mental health that can come from gardening. Working with Professor Sara Johnson (who has been leading U-ACRE on CSUF’s campus), gaining donations from local garden-supply stores, and involving community members from the youth to the mayor, Rebecca and her high school students constructed a fabulous organic garden in a previously bare spot of her high school – despite the pandemic.
Bonet believes our food system and consumer food choices have had detrimental impacts on the environment. “We need to rethink the way we grow and produce our food. I had never gardened before, but I thought it would be great to start an organic garden to help teach students about where their food comes from, and how it is possible to be self-sustainable,” explains Bonet. Her students grow heirloom plants germinated and provided by CSUF UACRE. They learn what to plant to attract pollinators, deter pests and add nutrients back into the soil without synthetic chemicals. They will conduct soil quality tests and design experiments centered around growing plants.
“My goal is for students to see the process of their food growing, to try new delicious organic foods, and to be inspired to be self-sufficient so that someday they may have their own garden at home. I also hope to get the kids outdoors more and working with their hands to learn and de-stress.”
Bonet was born and raised in Orange County and grew up in Yorba Linda. She studied Molecular and Cellular Biology at UC Davis. Bonet studied abroad in Australia, learning about marine biology and terrestrial ecology, and decided to pursue teaching. “I am passionate about education and believe, if done properly, can be the key to our future,” she declares.