IT Connects - Hector Ramirez

Our month of music ends on a good note (see what I did there)! Hector would like to share some family pictures along with a beautiful song as he takes us on a little trip through his life. Hector, thank you for sharing!

“For this IT Connect instance, I’d like to open up to you about what makes me who I am. I would consider myself an “OG” dreamer. My parents brought my siblings and me to the states in the 70’s, I was only about a year and a half old. I know no other country/culture/lifestyle. My connection to Mexico is through the music my parents listened to at home.

I have vague and sometimes vivid memories of these sounds while I played with my toys on the floor of our 1-bedroom apartment. As I grew older, these memories slowly eroded to the point that the realities of life and work eventually monopolized my identity.

Jose Jose (stage name) is one of Mexico’s most endured singers and performers. The song he is singing is titled El Triste (the sad one). As you listen to it, try not to focus on the lyrics. To me, it reminds me of my dad and the life we lived together; however, short-lived that was.

My mom raised six of us since I was 14 years old. Strong woman! No wonder why I ended up marrying another strong woman. I sometimes sit with mom and talk about memories, but most of what lies ahead. I am quickly reminded of what I have to look forward to as a dad. I leave this memory, not only to my son, but to hopefully many generations to come.”


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