Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the frequently asked questions. If you question is not answered below, please feel free to contact the IT Help Desk at, or call 657-278-7777.
What devices are available for those who qualify?
Each qualified employee is issued one* each:
- Laptop (PC/Mac)
- Montior
- Wired keyboard & mouse
- Docking station
- iPad**
*This is our standard equipment. A ll IT rollout devices (make & model) are subject to change, based on availability. If you require something that is not part of standard equipment, then your department will need to purchase it.
**Depending on the role of the employee
How can I request campus rollout equipment?
Your Department IT Coordinator (DITC) is responsible for submitting equipment requests for eligible employees based on their role.
Part-time faculty, teaching less than 6 units or temp staff can submit a loaner request.
Can I choose a PC or a Mac laptop?
Current PC users will receive a PC laptop, and Mac users will receive a Mac laptop.
My desktop/laptop is getting upgraded and I have files saved it. How can I save those files before turning in my old desktop/laptop?
The IT Help Desk can assist you with moving any necessary files to Dropbox Cloud Storage. If you have confidential (level 1) data,the IT Help Desk can assist you move that data into a secure location that is approved by the Information Security Office (ISO).
Can I get my desktop upgraded?
We will no longer be upgrading desktops. If you currently use a desktop you are welcome to continue to use your desktop until it is no longer functioning (usually around 5-6 years). Once your desktop needs to be replaced, it will be replaced with a laptop and docking station. We are no longer providing both desktops and laptops.
What is a docking station and what is it used for?
A docking station is a device that connects a laptop to external devices, such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam, headset.
Can the docking station be used with the laptop closed?
Yes, you can use the docking station and monitor with the laptop closed. Additionally, you may open the laptop and use it as a second monitor.
How can I get a headset/webcam?
You can submit a request using our device request form. You can only request one of each item.
How can I get a wireless keyboard/mouse/headset?
We do not provide wireless keyboard/mouse/headset. Your department will need to purchase this for you.
Can I get a replacement/spare laptop charger, because I lost mine or mine doesn't work anymore?
If your laptop charger is not working properly, please take your laptop and the charger to the Academic Technology Center
so that our technicians can troubleshoot the issue. They will assess and determine if a replacement is needed.
If you lost your laptop charger, your department will need to purchase the campus standard one from the TitanShops bookstore. Please let them know what model laptop you have.
IT does not have spare chargers, each user is given one charger for their laptop.
I telecommute, can I take my docking station, keyboard/mouse, headset, webcam or monitor home?
No, these items cannot be taken home - they are for use on-campus. If you need additional items for your telecommute days, your department will need to purchase them.
How can I acquire a secondary docking station, keyboard/mouse, headset, webcam or monitor?
If you need a secondary docking station, keyboard/mouse, or monitor you may purchase the campus standard from the TitanShops bookstore. Your department must submit a request through IT purchasing
for approval.
Can we still use our department-purchased desktops?
Yes, we will only be switching out IT-issued desktops with IT-issued laptops and docking stations.*
*Department purchased desktops that are running outdated operating systems are subject to being replaced as these devices are no longer compliant with the campus network and can pose a security risk.
What happens if my laptop is misplaced, damaged, or stolen?
Users who receive a device from CSUF are required to review and sign
CSU Fullerton Asset Acceptance Agreement
. If your laptop has been misplaced, damaged, or stolen, please file a police report immediately and then contact the IT Help Desk .The police department will provide you with a case number that you will need when you contact us. You will be asked to complete the
Loss or Theft of University Issued Equipment
Are classroom PCs being replaced with a docking station?
No, classroom PCs will remain in the lecture rooms, however, you are welcome to connect your laptop to the classroom podium.
Will these new laptop rollouts affect the computer labs?
No, the computer labs will not be affected.
Where do I go if I have any additional questions?
You may contact the IT Help Desk at, call 657-278-7777 or you can chat with us via the Portal, Online IT Help.