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Photoelectric Effect Setup and Information

Setup Time Estimates

Setup Time Estimates
Initials of Tech Doing Setup Time Taken Notes
EL 1 hour 20 minutes None


Student Stations

  • 1 Optics Bench
  • 1 LED box and power cable
  • 1 Screen
  • 2 Multimeters
  • 1 PE Box
  • 4 Probes (2 black, 2 red)
  • 1 Red Pomona Wire
  • Black velvet cloth (not pictured)







Instructor Stations

  • None

Lab Equipment Used

Setup Instructions

Student Stations

  1. Verify that all materials are present before proceeding to set up lab.
  2. Check multimeter backlights and replace any multimeter batteries as needed.
  3. Connect the probes to the multimeters and into the PE box.
    1. Hookup both multimeters to read VOLTAGE, both outputs are volt measures.
  4. For the light sources: Verify the powerswitch is set to off (0, toward the power inputs), then hook up the power to the Light source box BEFORE CONNECTING TO WALL POWER
  5. Connect the power and verify the box is off and the black dial is set to the 505nm setting.
    1. Take care not to touch the leads of the power supply together, that will destroy them.
  6. Turn the light sources so that the strip of lights is horizontal.

Instructor Station

  1. None.

Teardown Notes

  1. None.



0922 a pdf


In Progress / Beta