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Spectroscopy 2 Setup and Information

Setup Time Estimates

Setup Time Estimates
Initials of Tech Doing Setup Time Taken Notes
EL 3 hours includes making the samples


Student Stations

  • 1 Tea Set
  • 5 tea blends
  • 1 water sample
  • 1 oil sample
  • 1 vinegar sample
  • 1 empty
  • 1 Spectrovis w/ usb cable







Instructor Stations

  • Water
  • Syringes
  • Oil cuvettes and extra oil
  • Extra Cuvette Set
  • Fluorescein and laser for demo

Lab Equipment Used

Setup Instructions

Student Stations

  1. Verify that all materials are present before proceeding to set up lab.
  2. Make sure each Spectrovis has an empty cuvette already in it. This prevents dust.
  3. Make Tea Samples and place a full set of 5 samples, plus one cuvette of DI water at each station.
    1. Instructions for making the Tea
        1. Using the graduated cylinder in the back cabinet, begin by pouring 10ml of tea then adding 10ml of water for each part.
        2. Ex: the 2nd sample will have 10ml of tea and 10ml water. The 3rd sample will have 10ml of tea and 20ml of water. And so on.
    2. .Cuvettes at each station:
        1. 1st sample is all tea
        2. 2nd sample is one part tea one part water
        3. 3rd sample is one part tea, two parts water
        4. 4th sample is one part tea, three parts water
        5. 5th sample is one part tea, four parts water.
        6. Plus one unlabeled cuvette of DI water
  4. Be sure to thoroughly mix the tea in the cylinder before adding to each cuvette.

Instructor Station

  1. Fill 12 Cuvettes about 3/4 full with olive oil and place at instructor station. Be sure to leave space at the top so it doesn't spill over when putting top on.
  2. Not all instructors will use the milk, put milk in Faculty fridge so instructor can retrieve it

Teardown Notes

  1. Empty all Cuvettes
    1. Rinse tea and water cuvettes then dr
    2. Dispose of all oil



042522 a pdf


In Progress / Beta