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Radiation 2: Statistics Setup and Information

Setup Time Estimates

Setup Time Estimates
Initials of Tech Doing Setup Time Taken Notes
EL 3 hours includes making the samples


Student Stations

  • 1 Stand
  • 1 Clamp
  • 1 Paper Towel
  • 1 Radiation Monitor w/ usb cable







Instructor Stations

  • Uranium samples should be stored nearby

Lab Equipment Used

Setup Instructions

Student Stations

  1. Verify that all materials are present before proceeding to set up lab.
  2. Radioactive materials are to be handled by the instructor or lab technician ONLY. Do not retrieve.
  3. Firmly, but not to the point of breaking, clamp radiation monitor to stand upside down
  4. Adjust height of radiation monitor to about 10cm (about a fist width) above the table
  5. Place paper towel under the edge of stand to prevent it from flying away
  6. Plug device into computer.
  7. Briefly turn on and check for a low battery symbol, replace batteries as needed.

Instructor Station

  1. Uranium samples should be retrieved by a lab technician and stored nearby for instructor use.

Teardown Notes

  1. Unclamp all radiation monitors this time and store.
  2. Wash hands after touching all paper towels in case of dust



F16 pdf


In Progress / Beta