Phillips head screwdriver to replacing batteries as needed
Setup Instructions
Student Stations
Verify that all materials are present before proceeding to set up the lab.
Place optical benches so that the rulers on the benches face the students.
Attach Pasco Light Source to the bench but do not plug in.
Verify D battery charge but do not plug into light source.
Insert charged 9V batteries into all multimeters.
Check the Digital Multimeter battery by activating the backlight. (press the hold button for 2s) if backlight is dim or does not turn on then replace the battery.
Insert charged 9V onto the light sensor and verify they are switched to off.
Connect light sensor to voltmeter to measure frequency and switch multimeter dial to Hz.
Instructor Station
Verify extra meter sticks available near front of room.
Teardown Notes
Remove all 9V batteries from the light sensors and charge them.
Leave batteries in the multimeters, they will be removed and charged after the photoelectric effect lab.