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Physics 227 Tentative Spring Schedule


Physics 227 Tentative Schedule 
#   Week of     Lab # 

Lab Procedure

1 Jan 22 1

Introduction to 227 Lab

Lab Safety

Icebreaker Questions

Data Analysis With Excel

2 Jan 29 2 Reflection and Refraction
3 Feb 5 3 Thin Lenses
4 Feb 12 4

Inverse Square Law

Quiz #1

5 Feb 19 ***

President's Day - No Lab meetings this week

6 Feb 26 5 Interference and Diffraction
7 Mar 4 6 Polarization Lab
8 Mar 11 7a Microwave Optics Week 1
9 Mar 18 7b

Microwave Optics Week 2

Quiz #2

10 Mar 25 8

Photoelectric Effect

11 Apr 1 *** Spring Recess - No Lab meetings this week
12 Apr 8 9 Spectroscopy 1 - Atomic
13 Apr 15 10

Spectroscopy 2

Quiz #3

14 Apr 22 11 Radiation 1: Decay
15 Apr 29 12

Radiation 2: Statistics

Course/Instructor Evaluations

16 May 6 ***

No Lab Meetings this week

Course/Instructor Evaluations

17 May 13 *** Final Exam Week - No Lab Meetings this Week


Preparing for the next semester?

Fall Semester Page

Please check with your department tech if the schedule is not yet updated.