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2023-24 Strategic Goals

Goal 1: Enrollment/Retention

Student Success/Graduation Initiative

  • In collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs, create and operationalize a new framework for strategic engagement and consultation on CSUF’s Student Success program, which includes developing a comprehensive advising support structure for students before and during their careers at CSUF.

Outreach/Transfer Pathways

  • In collaboration with the Divisions of Information Technology and Student Affairs, develop and implement a plan for outreach to our local community colleges and create MOUs to increase undergraduate transfers directly to CSUF – this includes updating our articulation agreements with community colleges via databases, dual enrollment, and improving communication with our local community college counselors and make improvements to the course.

Supplemental Instruction/University Learning-Tutoring Centers

  • Increase SI offering to high DFW courses across the university
  • Increase academic support for students in the ULC/tutoring centers across campus

Graduate Programs

  • Create and implement a plan to improve the yield of graduate enrollment

Faculty Development Center

  • Expand training workshops on using dashboard data for faculty to reflect on and implement equity and retention best practices

Goal 2: Budget/Resource Uniformity and Transparency

Budget Transparency and Allocation

  • In collaboration with the Division of Administration and Finance, develop a dashboard for department chairs and deans to use for budget transparency at the department and college levels
  • Develop a budget and financial management training for department chairs, college senior leadership, and staff
  • Develop and implement a collective and consultative process for budget allocation
  • Timely allocation of the budget in collaboration with the Division of Administration and Finance before the start of the fall semester

Fundraising and Grants

  • In collaboration with the Division of University Advancement, expand philanthropic prospect development through alumni engagement
  • In collaboration with ASC, improve post-award support and processes

Extension and International Programs

  • Rebuild the infrastructure needed to form and nurture external partnerships
  • Build and refine flexible programs to meet in-demand credentials and skills to increase revenue for the university
  • Create a funding model for international program infrastructure that supports maintenance and reinvestment

Goal 3: DEI/Social Justice and Closing the Opportunity Gap

  • Launch and incentivize the completion of the Equitable Pedagogy Module, version 2
    • The Faculty Development Center will promote more offerings in Equitable Pedagogy to improve faculty work with students
  • Enhance the recruitment process and retention of high-quality, diverse faculty and staff by partnering with the Division of HRDI to increase diversity and equity in our search process
  • Support Departmental Personnel Standards revisions that reflect recognition of cultural taxation and expansion of accepted types of service and scholarly/creative activity
  • Create a new framework for Black Student Success to guide the development of a new infrastructure to support Black student success
  • Assess baseline salaries for administrative staff