Advanced Technology Lab - 2nd Floor
Computer Lab Features
Interdisciplinary College Collaboration Space
- 60 PCs & 20 Macs
- 32 Docking Stations for personal/loaner laptops (PC & Mac)
- 27 inch monitor
- Keyboard & mouse
Center for Equitable Digital Access
- Long-term Loaner Device Check-outs
- Equipped Group Study Rooms
Data Visualtization Center
- Work space for personal laptops and collaborative activities
- Portable whiteboards
- Printing Options
- Lab Computers Locations
- Print-Only Stations
- Wireless printing
- Mobile device charging stations
Interdisciplinary College Collaboration Space
Location and Hours
Pollak Library North Second Floor
Computer Lab Hours
Check Library Hours
Service Desk Hours:
Check SGC Hours
Contact Info
Problems & Comments Form
Special notes for using the lab
- Log On: Campus Portal username and password are required to log on to computers.
- Assistance: General, basic assistance is provided for technical issues with computers & printers.
- Classroom Instruction: SGC 2nd floor is an open lab environment and is not for classroom instruction.
Language Input Support
Western: French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish
Eastern: Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese
Language Grammar and Dictionary Support: English, French and Spanish