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 California State University, Fullerton



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Other Trainings

Other training may be required of students depending on what their position entails. Some of these training are:

CMS Access and Training

Students needing access to information technology systems (i.e. CMS) must complete the confidential portion of the online Student Employment Orientation Program and successfully pass the quiz. The following steps must also be taken:

1. The Department Information Technology Coordinator has to fill out an ITRF requesting a ZZ-email account for the student.

2. Once completed, the Department Information Technology Coordinator would then fill out the electronic access request form, which then gets routed through the various approval stages including CMS Training.

3. Once CMS Training is complete, the electronic form is routed to the ISO office and access is approved.

Food Handler Training

Students who handle food as part of their job responsibilities are required to take this training.