Round Images

Originally image sizes: 

  • Cat 960 x 960
  • Pixelated Tweetie 315 x 315

CSS Style Overview

  • round
  • list_round_100
  • list_round_150
  • list_round_200
  • list_round_250
  • list_round_300
  • list_round_350

Rounded images for all or just in a list style

This style is designed to make your pages feel more interesting without a distracting amount of ongoing changes to the page. The round style alone will affect all images within that section, and the list_round_{size} style will only affect images within a list.  You can use the list_round style with many of our list styles (boxes, cards, and catalog, for example) for an extra flourish. 

TIP: The more square your image, the better it will be rounded. Otherwise, you end up with an oval shape.

CSS Style


Round for all

These images will be 100% the size of the image, or 100% size of the space, whichever is smaller (this also depends on other styles applied or template choice). These images were sized to 250 x 250 for this example.

Fat cat Jackie III Pixeled Tweetie

CSS Style


With list_box_medBlue

  • HEADER 2

  • Header 3

  • Link 1
    Fat Cat Jackie III
  • Pixelated Tweetie

    Text under here

CSS Style


With list_cards_lightBlue

  • HEADER 2

  • Header 3

  • Link 1
    Fat Cat Jackie III
  • Pixelated Tweetie

    Text under here

CSS Style


With list_cards_gray

  • HEADER 2

  • Header 3

  • Link 1
    Fat Cat Jackie III
  • Pixelated Tweetie

    Text under here

CSS Style


Getting Bigger

See below for this style.  As the image size gets better, the more space is required.  

With list_boxes_orange

  • HEADER 2

  • Header 3

  • Link 1
    Fat Cat Jackie III
  • Pixelated Tweetie

    Text under here

CSS Style



And bigger

Below you will find the 300 size version. The 350 size version will only be usuable if you are using the max width template body style. 

With list_cards_black

  • HEADER 2

  • Header 3

  • Link 1
    Fat Cat Jackie III
  • Pixelated Tweetie

    Text under here