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Careers in American Studies

Besides providing a rich liberal arts education, training in American Studies develops skills in writing and analysis and strengthens the ability to recognize connections among complex materials and diverse phenomena. American Studies graduates obtain careers in business, communications, government service, law, social services, and teaching. The major also provides a strong foundation for graduate work in the Humanities and Social Sciences and professional degrees and certificate programs such as law or education. To see what some of our alumni are doing, look at some of their profiles.

Within the department, we provide numerous opportunities throughout the academic year for students to explore potential careers.  We offer Internships which, if taken for credit, can count towards the Major, Minor, or M.A. Degrees.  We also typically host a career roundtable with recent alumni who speak about their experiences transforming their degrees into careers. Past roundtables have included professionals in fields such as journalism and media, non-profits, law, and teaching.  You also should visit our Alumni Facebook Page or our LinkedIn page (see our social media links above) to connect with graduates who have gone on to interesting and rewarding careers in a variety of fields. If you are interested in teaching, please email Dr. Lewinnek, our current credential program advisor or see more information on our site. If you are interested in going onto graduate school, please email Dr. Abnet our graduate program advisor. 

If you are interested in exploring what to do with an American Studies Degree, you also should look at the CSUF Career Center's Student Resources page. There you can find tools to help you think about different career possibilities. The College of the Humanities and Social Sciences also offers the Passage to the Future program which is designed to help H&SS majors find pathways into different careers.

Compiled below is a set of articles and links to assist current and future American Studies students and alumni in thinking through their professional options. We hope you'll find them useful.