The mission of the Asian Language BTEP Consortium is to foster community and collaboration among students, teacher mentors, and coordinators by equipping students with the tools, resources, and skills to excel in Asian language teaching.
Core Values
Collaboration and Community: We are driven by surfacing the needs of students of Asian descent, and promoting a collaborative community among co-students, teacher mentors, professors/coordinators, and local community leaders to encourage the exchange of ideas, share experiences, and support in the students’ journey towards becoming an Asian Language educator.
Diversity and Inclusivity: We are driven to celebrate the rich tapestry of backgrounds, experiences, languages and cultures of our students. Cultivating a core value where students introspectively take their own experiences as critical teaching tools, the Consortium advocates for diversity, inclusivity, respect for perspectives, culturally sensitive teaching practices, and an open-minded learning environment.
Professional Development:
We are driven to provide access to professional development opportunities bi-annually in the form of conferences, networking, and workshops with language teaching methodologies, technology, and pedagogical innovation at the forefront. Our mission is to equip teachers with the tools and knowledge to respond to the changing educational landscapes and the unique needs of their students.
Fostering Agency and Advocacy: We are driven to support our teachers and encourage agency in their teaching abilities by fostering linguistic competence, guidance in Asian language teaching, and a keen understanding of the socio-political climate surrounding Asian language education. We advocate for the recognition of Asian languages in the public school system and the value they bring to society. The Consortium aims to create awareness of the importance of Asian language education and work towards guiding students in policies that support Asian language teaching and learning.