IRB Basic Steps
Welcome to the CSUF Institutional Review Board (IRB).
IRBs help mitigate potential risks to participants, including their physical and psychological well-being, confidentiality and privacy, and autonomy, among others. CSUF requires IRB for all research involving human subjects, and the research cannot begin until the IRB has reached a determination.
The IRB Basic Steps will guide you through the process in determining if IRB is required for your study all the way through the approval process. Reviewing each of the steps above will prepare you with compiling the information you need to prepare your protocol, provide you with direction on how to submit a Cayuse IRB application, as well as guidance after you have received an initial approval on how to submit a request for a modification, renewal or closure.
Review Process/IRB Categories
Upon receipt of your protocol, the study will be assigned to an Analyst and a Primary Reviewer. If your application is incomplete or additional information or revisions are needed the application will be returned electronically via the Cayuse IRB system. You will be able to access your study through the dashboard to review the comments provided by the Primary Reviewer.
When you submit your application, the CSUF IRB will determine which federal category it applies to for review-Exempt, Expedited or Full Committee.
Exempt or Expedited categories: Exempt and Expedited studies are accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis. Approvals for studies under these two categories may be issued within ~1-2 weeks from the initial submission date. If the CSUF IRB has requested that you provide additional information or revisions in order to approve your application, this process can take longer.
Full Committee Review: Studies requiring full review are due 2 weeks prior to the scheduled Full-Review meeting. Review the Full-Review Meetings and Deadlines
tab for the schedule of upcoming IRB Full-Review meetings. Applications will be placed on the agenda for the next CSUF IRB meeting, which corresponds with the submission expiration and renewal notice. A primary reviewer will be assigned to review your application, and you will be contacted by the reviewer prior to the meeting if additional information or concerns apply. Your attendance is not required at the meeting unless requested by your primary reviewer. After the CSUF IRB has reviewed and voted on your application, you will be notified by email of the outcome of the vote. If additional revisions and/or information is requested, upload the revisions directly onto Cayuse IRB's online application within a timely manner. If the CSUF IRB has voted to table discussion on your application pending receipt of additional information or revisions, your application will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.