Filming On Campus
Considering CSUF campus as a possible filming location?
The Office of Events & Facilities Use is responsible for all arrangements pertaining to filming at CSUF, including processing the Facilities Use Agreement and supervising the film shoot. Events & Facilities Use approves all requests to film on campus and coordinates internally with campus departments on your behalf.
Submit a Filming Request
To submit an application to film on the CSUF campus, please complete the Facilities Use Request Form. All requests should be made at least 20 days prior to an event. A member from the Events & Facilities Use Department will be in touch within 2-3 business days.
Filming on campus is permitted only if it does not interfere with academic operations, University business and/or previously scheduled events. A Facilities Use Agreement is required to film on campus. The Agreement may be approved when all the following requirements have been met:
- Specific date(s) and location(s) are confirmed and approved.
- The script/film content is reviewed by the Events & Facilities Use Department.
- CSUF Parking & Transportation Services approves a parking plan for events that require parking if required.
- All necessary insurance requirements are submitted to Events & Facilities Use no later than the date specified on Facilities Use Agreement.
- Full payment of all fees, and other estimated charges are received by Events & Facilities Use no later than the date specified in Facilities Use Agreement.
Filming Fees
The cost to shoot at CSUF is a combination of the campus filming fee, campus staffing costs, location venue rental fees, and any other facilities or miscellaneous services needed for the shoot.
- The Events & Facilities Use Department will determine the total cost for filming at the University.
- All deposits & payments may be paid through the Events & Facilities Use Payment Portal.
Dates & Locations
Prior to filming on campus, the representative of the production may walk through the desired location(s) with an Events & Facilities Use staff member. All filming must comply with University Policy.
Film Shoot Parking
The department of Events & Facilities Use works with the office of Parking & Transportation Services to make parking arrangements for your film shoot. Depending on your location, day of week, and program time, you may:
- Have guests purchase short-term parking through the ParkMobile app.
- Reserve parking ahead of time through the Parking Event Services Request Page. Please submit your request no later than 2 weeks prior to your event.
University Policies
CSUF Presidential Directives Directive Number 1: University policy regarding alcohol and controlled substances on university property.
Directive Number 2: Administrative guidelines regarding solicitiation, commerical solicitation, commercial transactions and the sale or display of published materials.
Directive Number 4: Administrative guidelines regarding distribution of handbills and circulars on campus.
Directive Number 5: Administrative guidelines regarding freedom of expression and expressive conduct.
Identification of the University Any use of the NAMES, MARKS, LOGOS, or TRADEMARKS of CSUF, the CSUF campus, or any abbreviations thereof is governed by CSUF. Request for use of NAMES, MARKS, LOGOS, or TRADEMARKS, must be submitted to the Events & Facilities Use Department in advance.
University Personnel
If the University or a specific venue requires its personnel to be present as a condition of use, personnel must be scheduled in advance of the film shoot. Personnel include, but are not limited to, location Liaison/Event Manager, Fire Safety Officer, Custodial, Facilities Staff, Parking Officers and/or CSUF Police Department.
CSUF Police Department/Security
The Events & Facilities Use Department will determine the presence of uniformed Police Officers. In some cases, traffic control officers may be necessary in addition to Police Officers.
State Fire Marshal CSUF is subject to California State Fire Code. The University has its own State Fire Marshal that will advise on requirements.
Staff Assistance
The Events & Facilities Use Department is the University's liaison to the external organization. An Event Manager will be assiagned to the event to direct the external organization personnel with obtaining permission to film from various campus departments and completion of contractrual and insurance requirements.
Campus Guidelines
During your filming at CSUF, we will expect adherence to the the following campus guidelines:
- Production vehicles are limited to the arranged spaces determined by the University.
- Catering shall be confined to the area designated in the Facilities Use Agreement. Individuals shall eat within the designated meal area. All trash must be disposed of properly upon completion of meal. All catering must be pre-determined by the University.
- Directional signage and signage for lots and roadways are coordinated through the Parking Office. Any additional signage must be approved prior to placement. Only wire lawn signs are permitted to be placed on campus, all stake signs are prohibited. All approved signs must be removed from the University following the conclusion of the film shoot.
- Noise levels should be kept as low as possible. Amplified sound is not permitted without the express permission of the University. Noise and light levels may be restricted after 9 pm.
- Cast and crew vehicles parked at the University must adhere to all legal requirements unless authorized by the Filming Agreement.
- Cast and crew are to remain on or near the area that has been permitted. Do not trespass on to other areas (i.e., buildings/classrooms/offices/fields) without prior approval from the University.
- Cast and crew shall not bring guests or pets to location unless expressly authorized in advance by the production company. Service animals are exempt.
- CSUF and all CSUF owned properties are smoke/vape-free. Thank you in advance for you and your crew's cooperation with this policy.
- Appropriate behavior and respect shall be shown by all members of the production towards students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University.
- The production company must comply with the provisions of the Facilities Use Agreement and University policies at all times.