Campus Calendar
Browse upcoming campus events on the CSUF campus calendar.
Common Human Resources System (CHRS)
Learn more about the system-wide HR solution, Common Human Resources System (CHRS) core project at CSUF, including the CHRS recruiting system.
Claims and Litigation
Information on how to file a claim for loss or damage against the University as well as when to report a hazard or liability on campus.
Data Request
Requests for CSUF workforce data can be made through the Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness.
Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (DHR) Resources
Find resources and policies related to discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
Employee Records
HRIE maintains the official personnel file for each staff member and Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employee. Find information on how to review or obtain copies of your employee personnel file. Faculty personnel files (Personnel Action Files-PAFs) are maintained by the Faculty Affairs & Records Office
Employee References
Find state policies pertaining to employee references and how to request an official reference from the university.
Employee Verifications
Learn how to submit a request to verify income or employment.
HRIE Partners
Find additional resources available to you as an employee at CSUF from many of our on campus partners.
Insurance and Risk Programs
Summaries of various insurance programs offered through the University as well as procedures for requesting certificates of insurance, coverage for University property, coverage for special events, contract review or a risk management consultation.
Labor/Employee Relations
Find policies and resources available for staff, faculty and management related to labor and employee relations.
Payroll Pay Calendars
Find payroll calendars here such as attendance pay schedule, academic pay calendar, staff pay calendar, holiday schedule and direct deposit posting dates.
Find common campus and system wide California State University policies.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) Limited Waiver
Up to $20, 000 in student loans can be forgiven with temporary changes to the PSLF program. Student loan forgiveness has temporarily expanded eligibility for some borrowers. To take advantage of the PSLF limited waiver, you must apply by Oct. 31.
Separation Process
Navigate here to formally submit the separation form from the university.
Titan Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund
The Titan Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund provides limited financial assistance when you are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of a temporary hardship related to a qualified disaster.
Titans For Accountability
Creating a community free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, or just Titans for Accountability. This is a site for the campus community and public to see the work of the committee and track our progress.
Travel (Foreign and Domestic)
Requirements for driving on University business. Information about foreign travel insurance and travel safety for both domestic and foreign travel.
Volunteer Program
Information on how individuals may serve as University volunteers.