David P. Adams, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Public Administration

Dr. David Adams

Phone: (657) 278 - 4770

Email: dpadams@fullerton.eduOpens in new window

Office: GH 516

Office Hours and Appointments:

T/TH 9:30-11:00AM, TH 5:00-6:30PM
Or by appointment

Personal Website: dadams.ioOpens in new window


Professional Interests and Research

  • Specializes in Environmental Policy and Justice: Committed to unraveling the complexities surrounding environmental justice and policy, with a recent focus on the environmental implications of energy production methods, such as fracking and oil extraction, in the U.S.
  • Passionate about Collaborative Governance: Particularly engaged in understanding how collective decision-making shapes water policies.
    Ongoing Research Project on Collaborative Watershed Management: Actively working on a project that evaluates the impacts of joint watershed management efforts on policy outputs and outcomes. The project’s ultimate goal is to deepen understanding of how collaboration influences water quality.
  • Nationwide Scope: The ongoing project extends beyond local boundaries, comprehensively analyzing various watershed collaborations throughout the U.S.
  • Extension of Dissertation Research: The current national-scale investigation builds upon and extends the foundational work done in my dissertation.


  • PhD, Public Policy and Public Administration, Auburn University, May 2016.
  • Master of Public Administration, Auburn University, May 2010. BS, Political Science and Government, Kennesaw State University, May 2008.

Courses Offered

  • POSC 315: Introduction to Public Policy
  • POSC 320: Introduction to Public Administration
  • POSC 509 Foundations of Public Administration
  • POSC 521: Capstone Seminar: PA Theory
  • POSC 588: Collaborative Governance