Mission, Goal and Outcome align from top to bottom 

  Definition Characteristics Examples
Mission Holistic vision of the values and philosophy of the university or college Aspirational statement; May include information on history, academic environment, student body, connections to the community, etc. The mission of the university is to provide students with the best of current educational practice and environment, through which students develop the habit of intellectual inquiry, prepare for challenging professions, and contribute productively to society.
Goal General statements about functions, and services expected from units Describes the aims or purposes of the unit; Goals should be broadly stated, meaningful, achievable and assessable. Empower students, faculty and staff with technology-based solutions that promote curricular and co-curricular success.Develop and maintain a nationally recognized Talent Development Program that invests in professional and leadership growth of staff.Organize an aggressive campaign to create and strengthen relationships with key employers in order to generate paid internships and full-time post graduate opportunities for students, engaging key faculty and staff of one or more colleges in partnership with this initiative.
Outcome Clear, concise statements that describe how a unit’s performance will further their goals Describes the specific functions and services provided to stakeholders; Outcomes should be aligned with university mission and program learning goals; They should be specific, clearly stated, assessable, and realistic. The Budget Planning and Administration Office will provide services that enable University departments to effectively administer and manage their state funds.The Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs will receive appropriate IT support to integrate and standardize campus-wide advising system.Students receive leadership development training that contributes to their educational and professional success.Students succeed in attaining employment and/or graduate school admission within six months of graduation.




































*Adopted from Mary Allen (2006, 2011)