Developing an Assessment Plan

Using the Assessment Maps for the SLOs as guides, each program should develop a Multi-year Assessment Plan.
Here are some guidelines on how to develop a multi-year assessment plan (adapted from University of Hawaii, ManoaOpens in new window ):

  • Limit the number of SLOs to 5-7.
  • Determine a realistic assessment plan cycle, i.e. how long (e.g. 7 years) your program can complete meaningful assessment of all SLOs.
  • Create a multi-year assessment plan that assesses 1-2 SLOs a year; do not implement a comprehensive assessment plan that includes all SLOs at once.
  • Make sure the assessment plan is developed and carried out by the entire program/department; this should not be the Chair’s creation, or the concern of a small number of faculty.
  • Use multiple methods and data sources to collect evidence of student learning.
  • Think about how the data can be used to inform practice change; focus on evidence that can be acted upon.
  • Make sure the assessment plan is manageable and sustainable over time.
  • Allow flexibility in the assessment plan to “carry over” SLOs from one year to the next, particularly if the assessment findings are unsatisfactory and improvement actions are implemented.

Example Multi-year Assessment Plan for 2012-2019:

SLO Direct Assessment Indirect Assessment Timeline Status
SLO1 Concept inventory;
Final project
Student reflection;
Alumni survey
Year 1
(AY 2012-2013)
Assessment completed;
SLO1 met successfully
SLO2 Concept maps;
Senior thesis 
Student focus group  Year 2
(AY 2013-2014) 
 Assessment completed;
SLO2 not met, & “carried over” to
Year 2 (AY 2013-2014)
SLO3 Writing exercise;
Oral presentation;
Exit survey;
Internship employer survey
Year 3
(AY 2014-2015)


Assessment Plan Examples: