Summer Undergraduate Research Academy (SUReA) at CSUF
SUReA is in the news!
Helping College Students Develop Research Skills
2023 Call for Proposals
Application Deadline: Noon, Monday, March 20, 2023
Application Submission Opens: Noon, Monday, February 17, 2023
Electronic Application Submission Required: CSUF InfoReady
InfoReady requires the following:
1) Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari (recommended browsers)
2) An abstract describing the project (50-word maximum)
The Summer Undergraduate Research Academy (SUReA) recognizes the importance of involving undergraduates in research projects and creative activities with faculty mentors. SUReA supports student engagement in faculty-mentored research or arts projects, across all disciplines. Beyond supporting faculty mentoring and student participation, SUReA will also provide a series of workshops focused on developing students’ scholarship and presentation skills. SUReA concludes with an undergraduate conference, in which student fellows describe their SUReA experiences and share their research/arts projects alongside their peers. SUReA funding will be awarded to both faculty and student participants. The nine-week SUReA program runs from the first Monday of June (6/5/23), through the first Friday in August (8/4/23).
Participating students are encouraged to build upon their SUReA developed projects by subsequently presenting at the Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), CSUF Student Research Competition, and CSUF Student Creative Activities and Research (SCAR) Day.
SUReA is funded by the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP).
Award and Time Frame
Award Cycle:
June 5, 2023 – August 4, 2023
• Faculty Additional Pay: $1,500 per student (each selected faculty participant may apply to mentor up to two students, but SUReA may fund only one student, contingent on funding, even if a mentor proposes two)
• Student: $15.50/hour for 22 hours a week (maximum amount of award: $3069 – Please note, payroll taxes will be taken out of the award amount)
Required Student Workshops and Conference:
• Virtual Student Workshops 10:00-11:30 am – June 6, June 13, July 11, and July 18
• In-person, Undergraduate Research Conference 1:30-4:00 pm – August 4, 2023
• Full-time faculty from all disciplines
• May not teach more than one 3-unit summer course during the SUReA program to assure adequate mentorship is provided to students
• Commit to mentoring and meeting (virtually) with the SUReA student each week to provide directions, guidance, feedback, and oversight
• Has submitted the final reports for the past SUReA program, if were awarded in the past
• All continuing undergraduate students in good academic standing (students graduating in spring or summer 2023 are not eligible)
• Required to work on the mentored project for up to 22 hours a week and participate in student professional development workshops and the undergraduate research conference
• Priority will be given to students for whom this is their first mentored research experience (but those with experience will be considered too)
Review Process and Criteria for Evaluation
Application Criteria:
1. Describe the research/arts project* (300 words maximum):
– What the project is about, why it matters
– Methods or materials to be used in project, and student’s role
– Proposed outcome of project – what specifically and where (e.g., Publication for a particular journal? Performance? Presentation?)
– Relationship of this project to your previous arts projects, publications, performances, or research
* Research that involves human or animal subjects must have appropriate institutional review approval prior to the start of the program
2. Describe your relevant mentoring experience (150 words maximum):
– How many undergraduates have you mentored before, and in which ways?
– If you haven’t mentored undergraduates, who have you mentored and in which ways?
– What is most important in mentoring undergraduates?
3. Describe what you anticipate teaching the student(s) to do in the SUReA program (150 words maximum)
– What will the student be working on each week?
– What skills do you anticipate the student developing/creating by the end of the SUReA program?
4. Why do you want to participate as a SUReA Mentor? Describe the impact of participating in SUReA on your faculty goals (100 words maximum)
5. Include 2-page CV with relevant research and mentoring listed
1. Student name and email
2. Brief description of what you will do during SUReA, i.e., what you will focus on and learn to do or what skills will you further develop? (150 words maximum)
3. Anticipated benefits to participating in SUReA. Why participate in SUReA? (150 words maximum)
4. Brief description of future career/professional goals. (100 words maximum)
The SUReA review committee provides final recommendations to the Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Projects who will make the final decision on the awardees.
Required Application Instructions:
1. Proposals must be written for a general audience. Be clear and concise.
2. Include word count next to each section.
3. Define discipline-specific terms and avoid jargon.
4. Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
5. Inclusion of the following statement on the last page of the PDF: The student and faculty mentor both commit to: actively engaging in the project, meeting (virtually works) at least once weekly, and participating in the undergraduate research conference. In addition, the student commits to attending the scheduled student professional development activities.
6. Submit application in a single pdf file, “Faculty last name, first name SUReA2023”
Administration of Funds
Monetary funds will be administered by ORSP as payroll (not a stipend). If selected, faculty and students will be hired by CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) and go through an orientation training for payroll requirements (these differ for faculty and students). Faculty participants will be required to participate in a mandatory Principal Investigator orientation. For more information on additional faculty work compensated using ASC funds, please visit: Faculty Additional Pay
. Students will receive training on the required use of TimeClock to track hours.
Final Reporting from Faculty participants:
A final report consisting of a (12-point font, double-spaced) narrative summary of the research/ creative activities, not to exceed three pages; and a pdf file of the poster presentation from the undergraduate conference. On the title page, include your name, department, and college, your student mentee name, department, college, and anticipated graduation date, as well as an abstract of up to 50 words describing the project. If needed, in addition to the three-page final report, you may include a two-page appendix with a bibliography, graphs, photographs, or other supplementary materials. The final report must be submitted by the end of the student conference day (August 4, 2023). Failure to complete the final reporting requirements may disqualify faculty from future funding.
For any assistance, please contact