Events - Color Cards Styles

CSS Style Overview

Color Cards / Color Cards w/ details Style

Lightbox is on

Calendar Title is off

Limited to 8 events

Color Cards colors - Grey / White

Color Cards w/ details - Light Blue / Beige

Events filter off

Image are on

Accent colors are not enabled

Height is auto

Color cards provide you with randomized colors (of your choosing) with each event.  This is limited to the nine Campus colors that we use on all our styles but you can ask for variations which will provide a slightly lighter and darker version to help create a difference between one event and the next.

We are displaying two version of the color cards style.  The first one is limited to event info and time sorted by date.  The event title is a link meant to lightbox with the full details.

The second style brings event details right to the page.  This is a little more cluttered but faster to quickly go through many events with limited clicks.  It is strongly recommended to only show a limited number of events using the details version.