Events - Lightbox Default Style

CSS Style Overview

Compact List Style

Lightbox is on with Default Style

Calendar Title is off

Limited to 8 events

Image are on

Accent colors are not enabled

Height is auto

If the event has an image we use that at the top otherwise a stock photo of the Campus is used.  Event information provided in a large text block on the right with date and time information, location, and instructor/librarian information on the left.  A "Back to Event" button is provided to close out the lightbox and return the list. 

At the bottom of the description information is a share url and a link to additional options (25Live events only).  The share url links back to the page where you display the event list.  It will open your page and automatically display the event in the lightbox format.  A notice is provided if the event is not found or has already passed.