Faculty Job Satisfaction



Faculty success is critical to the success of CSUF Students!

Faculty and student success are intertwined: when faculty thrive, students have transformative educational experiences. To thrive, faculty need the right conditions to teach and engage in scholarly and creative activities. To evaluate faculty job satisfaction, we commissioned two studies to answer the following questions:

  • What is the level of faculty job satisfaction?
  • In what ways is CSUF successful at supporting faculty?
  • How can we improve the working conditions at CSUF so that faculty will be successful?

Measuring Faculty Job Satisfaction


The COACHE survey captures full-time faculty sentiment with regard to teaching, service and research, tenure and promotion, departmental engagement and collegiality, and other aspects of the academic workplace.



Focus Groups of Part-Time Faculty

The Social Science Research Center (SSRC) conducted a focus group study to capture experiences and challenges as part-time lecturers at CSUF.



2022-2023 Strategy


launch task force

Two Task Forces

  •  Full-Time & Tenure Track
  • Part-Time Faculty


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Avenues for Distribution

  • Website
  • Forums
  • Colleges

Gather Input

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The task forces will solicit input from constituents.

Faculty can complete a feedback form.



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The task force will submit recommendations to the Provost.


How Can You Engage?

  • Look at the Data
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    A web page with tables, summaries, and figures of the survey analysis.
    (CSUF credentials required to read data)
  • Provide Input
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    Task force members will solicit input. In addition, faculty can provide input via an anonymous feedback form, located on the Results page. 
  • Read Updates
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    Stay abreast of email updates.

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