Results from COACHE Survey

Below are tables, reports, graphs, and figures of the analysis of the COACHE survey. We invite you to take a quick glance at overviews and summaries or dig deeper into details of the analysis, depending on your preference. Most importantly, we want your input: what is most encouraging for you? What are the most salient concerns for you?

There are several ways to start exploring the data. You can begin by:

  1. Reading a synopsis of the results in the summary report below. It is also helpful to first familiarize yourself with the COACHE approach to capturing faculty satisfaction.
  2. Another approach can be to start with the Global Views section below and peruse the figures and tables. And finally, you can also dig deeper into the different benchmarks and survey questions by looking at the thematic breakout sections and means tables.

Summary Report

How to Read the Summary Report

Access Data

In order to read the documents listed below, you will need to log in using your CSUF credentials

How to Provide Input

Virtual Assistance

  1. A member of the task force will host virtual office hours on the following dates. Stop by and learn more about interpreting the data. Zoom link forthcoming.
    • Monday, Jan. 30, 2023, 11 AM-12 PM
    • Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, 3-4 PM
    • Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023, 2-3 PM
    • Thursday, March 2, 2023, 9-10 AM
  2. You can also contact a task force member for assistance.