Cal State Fullerton partnered with Harvard's Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher EducationOpens in new window in Spring 2022 to administer a wide-ranging survey of full-time faculty.  It captured faculty sentiment with regard to teaching, service and research, tenure and promotion, departmental engagement and collegiality, and other aspects of the academic workplace. 

COACHE is a three-year project to improve the conditions that lead to faculty success and uses peer-institution comparisons to assess areas of strength and concern. The survey was specifically designed to generate data for action, to inform policy and resource planning and to identify areas of improvement.


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2022-23 (current)
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  • Disseminate results widely
  • Launch task force
  • Seek input
  • Propose recommendations

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  • Provost responds to recommendations
  • Implement recommendations

Survey Response Rate by College

survey response percentage chart

Table 1: Survey response rate by percentage



COACHE surveys across nine different themes that impact how faculty feel about working at CSUF. Each theme is composed of three-to-five benchmarks, each of which is made up of several survey questions that assess satisfaction in a five-point Likert scale that comes together in an overall result for a theme.

Survey Themes and Bechmarks
Theme Benchmarks
Nature of Work Research, Teaching, Service
Resources & Support Facilities & Work Resources, Personal & Family Policies,
Health & Retirement Benefits, Salary
Cross-Silo Work & Mentorship Interdisciplinary Work, Collaboration, Mentoring 
Tenure & Promotion Tenure Policies, Tenure Expectiations: Clarity, Promotion to Full
Institutional Leadership Senior, Dvisional, Departmental, Faculty, 
Shared Governance Trust, Shared Sense of Purpose, Understanding the Issue at Hand,
Adaptability, Productivity
The Department Collegiality, Engagement, Quality
Appreciation & Recognition Teaching, Advising, Scholarship, Service, Outreach

Peer Comparison Group

CUNY- Lehman College (2019)

Georgia State University (2020)

Illinois State University (2022)

San Jose State University (2019)

University of Texas at El Paso (2020)


Strengths and Areas for Growth

Our Strengths

  • Governance: Adaptability
  • Governance: Productivity
  • Health & Retirement Benefits
  • Leadership: Faculty
  • Promotion to Full
  • Tenure Expectations: Clarity
  • Tenure Policies

Our Areas of Concern

  • Appreciation & Recognition
  • Collaboration
  • Interdisciplinary Work
  • Departmental Collegiality
  • Shared Sense of Purpose
  • Nature of Work: Research
  • Nature of Work: Service
  • Nature of Work: Teaching
  • Personal & Family Policies

COACHE defines as an "area of strength" as any Benchmark where the institution scores first or second among our Peer Comparison Group and in the top 30 percent of the cohort. Conversely, an "area of concern" is where the faculty rating of a Benchmark falls fifth or sixth among our peers and in the bottom 30 percent (the red section) of the cohort.