2015-2016 RSCA Incentive Grant Recipients

Katherine Bono, Child and Adolescent Studies
NIH R15 Proposal: Exploring Parent-Child Relationships and Children's Stress Experiences

John Breskey, Health Science
Environmental Justice Youth Training Program: Increasing Community Capacity through a High School Curriculum Module

Natalie Bursztyn, Geological Sciences
Teaching Geology with Smartphones: Developing Virtual Field Trips for Every Undergrad

Grace Cho, Secondary Education
Effective Language Education: Building educational and administrative support for sustainable biliteracy in the global classroom

Lilia Espinoza, Health Science
Exploring the associations between trauma and HIV treatment adherence among precariously housed, HIV-infected individuals

Allyson Fry-Petit, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Harnessing big data to design the memory device of tomorrow

Pratanu Ghosh, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ultrafine pumice: a natural solution for vexing problem of nations’ infrastructure

Veronica Jimenez Ortiz, Biological Science
Role of mechanosensation in the human parasite Trypanosoma cruzi

Sara Johnson, Anthropology
Collaborating to Expand Opportunities for Community-based Research in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

Elisa Mandell, Art
Jewish Contributions to the Formation of Cityscape in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Colonies in Brazil and Curaçao

Niroshika Monerawila Keppetipola, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Characterizing Protein Modifications in RNA Binding Proteins to Elucidate their Role in Gene Expression

Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Biological Science
How does genetic variation affect human adaptation and disease?

Derek Pamukoff, Kinesiology
Whole Body Vibration: A Novel Treatment For Post-Traumatic Knee Osteoarthritis

Anand Panangadan, Computer Science
Analyzing communication patterns on online social media networks for traffic surge prediction modeling during emergency evacuation

Dawn Person Hampton, Educational Leadership
May I Go To College? Developing Best Practices from the Maywood Education Fair

Reza Ramezan, Mathematics
Multivariate Skellam Process with Resetting (MSPR): A New Model for the Analysis of Simultaneously Recorded Neural Spike Trains

Melanie Sacco, Biological Science
RNA-seq for Identifying Gene Changes in Susceptible versus Resistant Plant Virus Infections

Nicholas Salzameda, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Discovery and study of a novel inhibitor for the West Nile virus

Nicole Seymour, English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics
Men and Nature: Gender, Power, and Environmental Change

Marcelo Tolmasky, Biological Science
Searching for Solutions to the Antibiotic Resistance Problem

Haowei Wang, Mechanical Engineering
Design of Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger to Enable Waste Heat Recovery for Mobile Internal Combustion Engines