Wylie Ahmed, Physics
Extracting the Signature of Life from Noise: A Study of Microscopic Swimmers

Lucia Alcala, Psychology
Maya and European-American Children’s Executive Function Skills.

Yu Bai, Computer Engineering
Discovering and Assessing Data Bias in Social Media through Smart Label-relational Mention-context Analysis

Mikhail Gofman, Computer Science
Enhanced Multimodal Biometric Authentication for Mobile/IoT Devices Using 3D and Soft Biometrics

Joyce Gomez-Najarro, Literacy and Reading Education
Dual Certification Teacher Education Program Analysis

Eric Gonzaba, American Studies
Mapping the Gay Guides

Natalie Graham, African American Studies
Visiting Hours in the Shadow

Nick Henning, Secondary Education
Supporting Diversity in the Teaching Force: Assessing and Improving the Racial Climate of Teacher Education Programs

Veronica Herrera, Criminal Justice
Assessing Vulnerabilities, Experiences and Survivorship of Labor Trafficking Victims in Orange County

Sagil James, Mechanical Engineering
Study on Mixed Reality-based Visualization and Interaction Tool for Additive Manufacturing in Real-Time

Pablo Jasis, Elementary and Bilingual Education
High School Equivalency Program (HEP)

Maria Koleilat, Public Health
Development and Assessment of a Mobile Application for Assisting WIC Participants with Weight Loss after Childbirth

Do Kyeong Lee, Kinesiology
The Effects of Physical Activity on the Motor and Cognitive Development and Obesity Prevention during the First 18 Months of Life

Sean Loyd, Geological Sciences
Multiple Sulfur Isotope Characterization of Salt Dome Cap Rock: Exploration of Microbial Involvement in Sulfur Mineralization

Valbone Memeti, Geological Sciences
Dating K-feldspar Megacrysts as a Tool to Study Magmas

Anand Panangadan, Computer Science
Integration of Remote Mental Health Services in Permanent Supportive Housing

Andrew Petit, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Computation Meets Experiment for a Better Understanding of the Chemistry in the Atmosphere and in our Engines

Madeline Rasche, Chemistry and Biochemistry
From DNA Origami to Climate Change: Creating a Center for Bioengineering Research Excellence at CSUF

Yuying Tsong, Human Services
Depression Literacy, Stigma, and Mental Health Service Utilization of Older Chinese American Immigrants