Teaching Grants
Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development Award
The Faculty Development Center (FDC) announces the annual call for applications for the Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development (FEID) Award. The goal of the FEID award is to support faculty in instructional improvement which leads to increased student success, thereby supporting the University’s Strategic Plan, specifically goal two.
See also Mission, vision, Goal 1, objective 2 of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan draft.
The focus for this year’s FEID award is student success by increasing accessibility for diverse learners. Proposals should clearly define what the accessibility goals are and how the proposal addresses those goals. The committee welcomes proposals that creatively explore accessibility. Note that proposals should go beyond remediating course documents.
Application Deadline
All FEID applications must be submitted via the FEID web application link no later than Monday March 10, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Robert and Louise Lee Collaborative Teaching Award
Some years the Robert and Louise Lee Collaborative Teaching Award is also available. More information on this grant is available at the bottom of the page. It is not available in 2025.
Important Note for Previous Grant Recipients
Previous grant recipients must submit their final report using the Final Report Submission Link before applying for the current year. If you are applying and receive a message that you aren’t eligible, this could be due to the system not finding your final report. You can resubmit your final report by logging into the system and submitting. Once you submit, the system should approve you for a new submission.
Evaluation of Proposals
Proposals are evaluated on several criteria. Please review the Proposal Overview, Support Presentation and FEID Rubric below before you write your proposal.
Call Focus: Student Success by Increasing Accessibility for Diverse Learners
Examples of Projects include:
- Redesigning an entire course to provide more inclusive and equitable experiences for diverse learners. (e.g., gamifying or flipping a course);
- Development of new course;
- Modifying an approved face-to-face course for a different UPS-approved modality;
- Modifying multiple assessments/assignments within a current course or courses to better reflect currency and/or alignment with university, college or program outcomes;
- Introduction and implementation of high-impact practices in the course or program (see CSUF's High Impact Practices webpage );
- Adding best/promising practices identified by the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to support student success in a course or program; and
- Interdisciplinary or collaborative course development and implementation (see below regarding support for collaborative projects).
Priority is given to proposals that:
- Use data to identify an area of student learning need and provide measurable objectives for that need,
- Provide a clear plan describing methods and activities which when implemented will address the identified need,
- Clearly connect to this year’s focus,
- Clearly describe how the project aligns with college or university strategic plans,
- Positively impact student success,
- Include reasonable assessment of measurable achievement outcomes,
- Describe the plan for sustaining the proposed changes, and
- Outline project completion that is feasible and commensurate with 3 WTU time expectation.
More explanation and specific criteria are provided in the rubric. All application materials including the question prompts, application tips, narrative template, and rubric can be found on the FEID website.
Eligibility, Compensation, Requirements, and Future Commitments
Tenured and tenure-track faculty (any rank), FERP faculty (projects for active semesters only), and lecturers with full-time contracts are eligible to submit proposals that represent comprehensive course redesign and/or innovation in teaching practices that support student success. NOTE: The application requires a statement to verify that you are not or will not be receiving any existing or alternate compensation (FAE, grant, or course release) for proposed projects.
Compensation for FEID
FEID Award Applicants may request either:
- Up to a ($5,000) Faculty Additional Employment (FAE) for Summer 2025,
- Up to 3 WTUs assigned time for Fall 2025 or Spring 2026
Funding for FEID Collaborators
If proposing a collaborative project, only one collaborator should complete the application. The application should detail how the collaborators will divide the work and compensation on the application budget worksheet. Faculty should indicate how the FEID Faculty Additional Employment. (FAE)or assigned time during a regular semester will be shared. Equal sharing is not required but all team members must agree on the shared allocations.
Operating Expenses and Equipment (OE&E)
Applicants may request up to an additional $500 for Operating Expenses and Equipment (OE&E) funds.
- State funds may not be used to purchase gift cards.
- Any technology purchases must be approved by IT. Please see the IT Purchasing Process webpage for information about approved technology standards and equipment.
- Equipment bought with university funds belongs to the university.
Advertising and Promotion
Abstracts of funded projects will be added to the FDC website. Recipients of funded projects shall agree to present a workshop or presentation of their project if requested by FDC, College, or University department. Recipients of funded projects shall include reference to FDC on any project-related social media projects or presentations.
Brief Report
Recipient must upload a brief report (template available on FEID website) to the FEID website within one month of the end of the award semester (Spring awards/July 31; Fall awards/January 31; Summer awards/Sept. 30)
If no report is submitted by the due dates, the faculty member may become ineligible for future FDC funding.
Future Committment
Award recipients may be asked to review future applications.
2024 Recipient Final Report
2025 Proposal Submissions
The FDC is offering two virtual workshops on preparing the FEID grant application. Register by clicking one of the links immediately below.
Past FEID Grant Recipients
Overview of the Robert and Lousie Lee Collaborative Teaching Award
This grant, offered only as funding allows, was established by Robert and Louise Lee in 1995. Dr. Louise G Lee (MS, CSUF, Ed.D., USC), 1920-2008, was a professor of education, the Emeritus Director of the Office of International Education and Exchange, and president of CLE (now OLLI) Award.
This award is usually $1,500; however, during the 2022-2023 academic year the grant dividend had grown to $7,700 and from those funds we were able to fund three collaborative teams (we funded 2 more teams with funding from the Provost’s Office). This allows co-instructors of a class and/or co-curricular activity either to divide the stipend or to work out assigned time.