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Welcome to Sociology


Sociologists study how social norms and values affect people’s attitudes and behavior. We use scientific methods to answer questions about all aspects of social life ranging from brief interactions among strangers to large-scale social movements and global change. We use a variety of methods and data, such as surveys, interviews, observations, and more to answer questions like the following:

  • How are the designs of dating apps influencing who and how people date?
  • How is the criminal-legal system experienced by different groups depending on their race, class, and gender?
  • Why are some mind-altering substances labeled “drugs”, e.g., cannabis and meth, while other substances are not, e.g., alcohol and caffeine? What do these distinctions tell us about what our society values?
  • How do sexual scripts (norms about the way sex should go or what is sex) affect who is most likely to experience sexual pleasure in our society?
  • How do gender norms influence people’s behavior at work?
  • Does teacher pay affect student performance?
  • How does the presence of armed security guards effect student learning in high schools?


Sociology students master critical thinking, analytical and research abilities, and communication skills that advantage them in a competitive, global job market. Majoring in Sociology prepares students for a wide range of occupations, including social work, market research and statistical analysis, education, criminal justice, healthcare, business and management, graduate school in many disciplines, community and social services, and many other careers. 

Sociologists study a wide range of social processes affecting social life in all areas, such as race and ethnicity, gender, social class, crime, education, healthcare, and more.


The Sociology Department at CSUF offers rigorous, quality undergraduate and graduate academic programs that provide a supportive student-centered learning environment. We promote student engagement in local and global communities for social justice purposes. Our faculty conduct academic research on a wide variety of areas of expertise, including race and ethnic relations, education, demography, gender and sexualitites, crime and deviance, health and illness, economic sociology, political sociology, religion, and migration and globalization. We contribute to the public good by producing knowledge, engaging public policy, and by our commitment to social and scientific responsibilty in the communities we study.

Land Acknowledgement

We collectively acknowledge that Cal State Fullerton is located on traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of Indigenous people. Before this land was colonized it was cared for and called home by the Tongva and Acjachemen Peoples. We recognize that this land holds great historical, spiritual, and personal significance for its original inhabitants.

To ensure that we are truly catalyzing change rooted in this social justice principle, Cal State Fullerton recognizes and continually support and advocate for the sovereignty of the Native nations in this territory and beyond. By offering this land acknowledgment, we affirm tribal sovereignty and our commitment to the tribes that historically called this land home.

Sociology Permit Request Form                     Learning Communities

Faculty Office Hours                      Undergraduate Academic Roadmaps

Careers in Sociology                      Course Schedules


Location: College Park 900
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Phone: (657) 278-3531
Fax: (657) 278-2001

All programs and activities in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences are open and available to all who are interested in applying and/or participating, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, or any other protected status.